The President of the United States praised Aleksandar Vučić



17.09.2020. 07:41

Grenel: Trump is coming to Serbia, just to set a date! The date of Trump’s visit is currently being coordinated with the National Security Council and the White House

the key to the White House Aleksandar Vučić Donald Trump

White House Key Aleksandar Vucic Donald Trump, Photo:

The President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, said he was President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic A courageous leader thanks to whose decisions the Balkans are a safe and stable place to live!

Trump sent these words of praise to the Serbian president on the occasion of the agreement signed at the White House on the economic normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina as of September 4. From the moment this important document was signed, the most powerful world leader has not stopped praising his Serbian colleague.

Support message

In the previous days, the accolades on Vučić’s account came from the closest associates of the American leader, and yesterday a message of support was posted on the official State Department Instagram page. Remember the words President Trump on the occasion of reaching an agreement in Washington: “This is a truly historic day … Serbia and Kosovo have committed to economic cooperation,” followed by a

Trump Message:

– Extraordinary courage is needed from the Serbian president, Aleksandar Vučić, and the “prime minister” Kosovo Avdulaha Hotija to embark on these talks and come to Washington to make those commitments. By doing that, they made their countries, the Balkans and the world safer, said Trump, who may visit Serbia soon.

His special adviser, Richard Grenel, stated that they are working to find a date for Trump’s visit.

– President Trump intends to visit Serbia, which would be the first time after Jimmy Carter. “Now we have to work to find a date that suits both the White House and the National Security Council, which will also be involved in organizing the visit,” Grenel said.

Ivanka is also coming

In addition to President Donald Trump, his daughter and a person of his highest confidence, Ivanka Trump, should also come to Serbia. This possibility was recently announced by President Vučić, and Ivanka herself attended the first round of talks at the White House, when it was agreed that the DFC would open an office in Belgrade.

Summarizing his impressions of the recent meeting in Washington, he also revealed that Vučić is a difficult negotiator.

– President Vučić was a very difficult negotiator. He is really fighting for his Serbian people – said Grenel, explaining that the aim of the agreement was concrete progress, and that is why the office of the International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) is opened in Belgrade.

– We tried not to deal with symbolism, not political symbolism, which is dealt with by many politicians … Our DFC office and agency in the United States thought there was enough work, where we can have a team in the field that can finish everything. projects in Serbia. These are all economically driven projects that we want to achieve, which is why we are establishing an office in Belgrade. Not for symbolism, but to respond to the large number of projects we already have. From the beginning, President Trump thought the economy and creating new jobs was something he could do well, Grenel explained.

And the opposition is lying or lying …

Assess the scope of the Washington Agreement, Deputy Prime Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic says agreement of Washington increases Serbia’s ability to fight for KiM.

– That strengthens Serbia and therefore our sovereignty in Kosovo and Metohija and strengthens the capacities of our country. Let’s not lie, without money, who will equip the army and police and who will have more influence and where our companies will work. The opposition is guided by “the worst for Serbia, the best for them.” This has been particularly pronounced in recent months, which is why going to Washington was presented exclusively as the signing of Kosovo’s independence. It was obvious that everything was a lie – said Stefanović.
