The president of the Provincial Board of “Dveri”, Rados Pejovic, joined the SNS


Until recently, the chairman of the Provincial Board of the “Doors” Movement, Radoš Pejović, joined the Serbian Progressive Party. Vojvodina Assembly Vice President Damir Zobenica, who welcomed the new member on behalf of the SNS, said that Pejović will most likely be in charge of strengthening family policy in the future convocation of the executive provincial government.

photo: Courier

“We want to show how the SNS thinks and sees politics in Serbia in the 21st century, we are aware that there are people who have certain qualities and knowledge, who cover some areas in which perhaps we have not gone so deep. It is completely natural that when they realize that it is impossible in political activity and the years spent in the opposition to achieve some goals that are for the common good, they try from the position of government. That is exactly the case with Radoš Pejović, “says Zobenica.

party, sns, serbian, progressive, politics, progressives

“I am pleased to say that we will definitely include Pejović in the executive branch, most likely at the provincial level, to address the issue of family policy vis-à-vis the SNS,” he added.

Radoš Pejović has devoted most of his life to family policy and, as he himself says, he is convinced that with his knowledge and experience he will contribute to strengthening the role of the family in society.

photo: Courier

“I deeply believe that today we are beginning a new social, political and family era, to begin at the level of Vojvodina, and I hope later and beyond. I am very happy that all my life, everything that I have invested all these years , finally reaches its realization, and is that the family reaches the center of sociopolitical events, “said Pejović.

He also states that he is very happy that family policy is within the institutional framework.

“I dealt with family policy both politically and from the point of view of the NGOs, I withdrew the most important from all sectors, and I will do everything possible to put the family first.” I am very grateful to the leaders of the PAV, who recognized the importance of the family and provided support for this issue to be one of the first to be addressed after the formation of the executive branch, ”said Pejović.

photo: Courier

The moment of reconciliation has come in Serbia, during social and political stabilization, and I see the call of the SNS as a call for good, says Pejović.

“This is not a question of one party, it is a question of all of us, and it is proof that a completely new climate is being created in which those of us who have dedicated our lives to certain areas have the opportunity to implement it, Mainly thanks to our children. I will do my best to invest all my knowledge in this, I dream about that. “I have two dreams: that the Serbs come together and that the family comes first,” he added.

In his future activities, he also announces the creation of networks of organizations that address the topic of family policy.

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Author: delivery courier
