Matica Srpska – The Association of Members of Montenegro has decided to award the Golden Charter to the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Nikola Selaković, on the 10th anniversary of their work, as a token of sincere gratitude and unpaid debt.
Recognition is given for exceptional contribution, true understanding and great material assistance to the work of the Society in the previous period. Realizing how important the cultural and scientific work of Matica Srpska is, the Members Association of Montenegro, which is part of the unique Matica Srpska, to preserve the Serbian identity in Montenegro, President Vučić and Minister Selaković allowed the Association act in the most difficult moments with unconditional material and moral support. Socio-political circumstances of the Serbian people in Montenegro.
“We are proud to note that his contribution was crucial to the survival and development of the Society until now, unequivocally opening up new prospects for our future scientific research and cultural work for the benefit of the Serbian people in Montenegro and as a whole in Montenegro. the construction of the magnificent Matica Srpska Library – Members Association in Montenegro, the conditions will be created not only for a better functioning and a better work of our Association, but also to strengthen the common cultural space of the Serbian people in the Balkans, so that we owe an immense thank you “. statement of prof. Dr. Jelica Stojanović, President of Matica Srpska – Members Association of Montenegro.

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