The president has embarked on the most dangerous matter yet: the mafia and politicians want Vučić’s head!



21.10.2020. 07:00 – 21.10.2020. 07:38

As they say, he addressed not only himself, but also members of his family.

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Printscreen

“A war with a serious criminal organization could cost Vučić his life like Djindjic.” The state would have to do everything possible so that the tragedy does not happen again “, Nebojsa Krstic.

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic He declared war on the mafia with the firm intention of defeating it, and that could cost him not only his political career, but also his life.

According to security experts and analysts, he not only attacked himself, but also members of his family, who have been exposed to various attacks and media lynchings for years. And the whole situation is further complicated and made even more dangerous by the fact that the branches of the mafia are everywhere, including among the politicians of Vučić’s entourage, as well as among the officials of certain ministries.

– A war with a serious criminal organization that takes nothing away could cost Vučić his life. We already had an example with Prime Minister Djindjic. The state would have to do everything possible so that the tragedy does not happen again, marketing expert Nebojsa Krstic told our newspaper.

– It is very brave that Vučić promised the citizens that he would defeat the mafia! He was not referring to children involved in car theft, but to large and serious criminal groups that have money that even exceeds the state budget. The mafia starts from the state, the police, the judicial officials, to those who kill in the street, it is a true criminal union and the most important thing is to determine their money flows to begin with – Bozidar Spasic, a former intelligence officer, declares for “Alo!”

– That fight certainly carries big risks, Vučić will be the target, but fortunately he is untouchable for the mafia at the moment. The president is someone who understands security very well and takes care of it, he is under the watchful eye of the “cobra”, and is also guarded by the Intelligence and Counterintelligence Service. You will surely receive threats, various hidden messages, suffering low blows … However, as it is a very big target for criminals, they will focus on your relatives and relatives, they will begin to defame them even more fiercely in certain media, they criminalize. . In this way, they will try to weaken and soften it, force it to surrender, says our interlocutor, pointing out that Vučić’s confrontation with the underground will last and that Serbia will not get rid of this plague overnight.

Božidar Boža Spasić, former DB official

Božidar Boža Spasić, former DB official, Photo: Private album

– Italians have not been able to eradicate the mafia for 200 years, but I think that Vučić will be able to do a lot on that issue, no other statesman in the world can do something like this at the moment – concludes Spasić.

Zoran Dragišić from the Faculty of Security emphasizes that certain politicians will hire their teachers of the spin to begin attacking Vučić’s fight for Kosovo.

– I expect various types of political attacks against the president and his associates. And first of all, they will attack the government for the issue of Kosovo and Metohija and that they allegedly endanger human rights – explains Dragisic.

Maja Gojković

Maja Gojković, Photo: Hola / Masanori Josida

Gojkovic: Vucic will win

Maja Gojković, deputy and member of the SNS presidency, said that opposing the mafia carries great danger for those who “declared war” on it, but that the main virtues in that fight are determination, perseverance and courage.

– That is why it is completely clear that we will also win this time, led by President Vučić, because these are exactly the virtues that he indisputably possesses – declared Gojković.
