The president explained the real reasons for this move



09.12.2020. 15:07

Local political battles and who posted the photos on Facebook to whom, whom God, I beg you not to involve the President of the Republic in that – said Vučić.

Aleksandar Vučić

Photo: Tanjug / Tara Radovanović

Zajecar infectologist Nenad Ristović, who received the Gold Medal for merits in the fight against coronavirus, returned the decoration to Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić due to the attack on his family, which he claims came from SNS people in Zaječar . The president of Serbia soon told the real truth about that case!

The President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić explained the real reasons why the infectologist made such a move …


Does it comply with the crown protection measure?

– That’s my highest compliment. I did not share decorations, more precisely decorations, along party lines. He is a man who is in the PLD of Cerdomir Jovanović. So he is my opponent. I did not give him a medal for his poor political participation. I was not guided by that, I wanted to reward the work. And this showed the difference between me and my political opponents – said Vučić.

– You don’t think I’m going to call the president of the local SNS to ask what happened – asked Vučić.

– Local political battles and who posted the images on Facebook to whom, who God, please do not involve the President of the Republic in that – said Vučić.
