The president confirmed that the MIG-21 of the Serbian army had fallen


Today, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić will meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul and a tete-a-tete conversation is expected in the early afternoon, without the presence of delegations.

Before the meeting, he addressed the citizens of Serbia and said:

– Turkey is one of the most important regional powers and is becoming more and more important in the world. It is important to have good relationships and improve them. I came at the invitation of President Erdogan, we will discuss hot political issues, but I have prepared certain economic issues. As for the Turkish side, I think they are interested in more issues and I think they would not want other great powers to take Serbia under their wing. I am sure that we will discuss the agreement in Washington, but also the relations in the Mediterranean. President Erdogan has always wanted to listen to Serbia. I will try to maintain that kind of relationship – said President Vučić.


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said today that news of the plane crash near Loznica was received in Istanbul and that there was still no official information from the Defense Ministry.

“I heard there was an accident with our old 21 plane, I hope the news is not true, but we will check,” Vucic said.

More on that by clicking HERE.

On Trump’s gift and opposition statements

– Everyone who stole from our people should fall. The only thing they understand is that you are not guilty or decanter, but hate. They never go down the sides of the jug or bottle, so they stick to the top of the bottle. It’s a good metaphor for them, but the sediment will fall, that’s for sure, Vučić said at the end.

The tycoons will not form a government in Serbia, but the people

As for the formation of the Government, he says from the East that he did not get any wish.

– Neither the magnates nor the foreign ambassadors will form a new government – he pointed out.

– The government always adapts to the people, even when the magnates mount it, it adapts to those who voted for them – he says.

He noted that the magnate’s plan is the only demolition of himself as president, and not of certain milestones in the capital.

About the new government

– What do analysts say, when do Americans look to the government? Who are the Germans, the French, looking for? I laugh at that, then I say when I would like to see in their governments. I didn’t get any wishes from the east, although I guess when they would like to see them. Unlike when the government consisted of Mišković and foreign ambassadors, today neither magnates nor foreigners will form our government. I will do my best to have a lot of new people in the government. The government always adapts to the people. Today, Serbia has respect in the world. I had twice as many encounters as any of them. Don’t attack someone just to attack them. When you see that they accuse me of overthrowing Mila, so that I want to keep him in power, you see how powerless they are – says the president.

Trump or Biden

On the statement by journalists that it can be heard in the media that Brussels and Pristina are doing a “time-out” in dialogue until the US elections and the possible victory of Joe Biden, Vučić said that if you look from From the perspective of Serbia, you can ask the question: “yes, and what next.”

– I have no doubt that Brussels would like Biden to win, so what? Then he will put pressure on Serbia and say that he is united in the fiercest pressure on Serbia, that Serbia must do that. We say yes, we will, we must, we can, but something. And what he wants from Serbia is not certain that we can and we will. And what are we going to do then? ”Asks Vucic.

– It is very important that Serbia and Turkey have good cooperation. It is a major force in the world. Its demographic, economic and potential potential is excellent. We are trying to preserve the closest friendly relations and improve them, Vučić told TV Pink.

– I think the citizens of Serbia will be satisfied when they return from Brussels – said Vučić.

On the eve of his departure for Istanbul, Vučić stressed that “he does not even have to say how important the talks with the Turkish president are.” By the way, President Vučić arrived in Turkey yesterday, where he was received with the highest honors at the Istanbul airport.

On the community of Serbian municipalities and the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina

– The Albanians want Serbia to recognize Kosovo and that’s it. They will produce some new ones on March 17th and have finished the job. They don’t want to talk about ZSO. Hoti says it was completed in 2013 and thus, he made the worst possible argument. Yes, it was completed, seven years ago, and you have not yet fulfilled your obligations. We are ready for dialogue, not to play the blame game, we are doing it to compromise. At the head of the people of Pristina it must happen that the doors of Washington are no longer closed to Serbia, that they are no longer treated like their disobedient children. We have a slightly more open door for Serbian political action, if we use it wisely, I think we have the opportunity to find a good compromise solution – explained the president.

The most important thing is to keep the peace

– The Turkish side is interested in various issues, it certainly would not want other countries to take Serbia as a shield in the fight against Turkey. It is important for us to try to preserve the best relationships with friends, despite all differences, while maintaining peace and stability.

On the rivalries of the four major world powers

– Nobody wants to show failure. No country. Nobody wants to admit mistakes. It is easy to say that Serbia is to blame. We will never run away from dialogue – said President Vučić. tv

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