THE PRESIDENT ANNOUNCED: The government of “brave people” will have big changes by the end of the month


As he says, that government will have difficult tasks ahead of it, so it will have to be a “government of brave people.”

She stated that there are more candidates for Prime Minister and that the government will be led by someone capable, energetic and courageous, and that there will be major changes in the composition of the government, but not because the previous one has done something wrong.

“You have to constantly learn, progress, listen to what people want, and that is why changes are necessary, and that is why there will be great changes,” Vucic told RTS.

Asked with whom the SNS will form the government and if the same coalition partners will remain in the new one, mainly the SPS, Vučić said that he talks about it constantly, but that he has not yet finalized the proposals.

Asked what will depend on who the SNS will form a coalition with, Vučić said that the SNS must resolve some internal issues and that it is the SNS that has started to resolve them.

As he himself says, after the elections, the SNS appointed more than 55% of the new mayors and presidents of municipalities, which are enormous changes.


“It doesn’t mean those old mayors were bad, but there must be changes and fresh new energy,” Vucic said, adding that this would also lead to changes in ministerial positions.

He affirms that the public voted for the SNS for stability, security and economic progress, but that there are also things that annoy them, and that is, among other things, arrogant local officials, as well as corruption at various levels.

“I can’t say that we didn’t touch on corruption, but we didn’t hit it on the head, and people expect that from us,” Vučić said, adding that in the future, people will be much happier about that issue.

As he says, citizens are unhappy with the inefficient judicial system.

“Whenever you criticize, people will say that you are interfering with the independence of the judiciary and the independence of the prosecution, but those are the facts and people are noticing,” Vucic said.

Vučić said that the SNS received great support from the public, adding that even after the agreement in Washington, citizens give support that, as he says, is the highest all-time, both personally and from the party he leads.

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