The presence of coronavirus was confirmed in employees of two schools in Novi Sad


At the “Josip Slavenski” primary music school in Novi Sad, a coronavirus infection was confirmed in three employees, while at the “Jovan Dučić” primary school in Petrovaradin, the infection was confirmed in one employee.

According to the press service of the Novi Sad City Council, a City Councilor for Education, Dina Vucinic, met on that occasion with the authorities of the aforementioned schools, who informed her about the current situation and the measures taken to prevent further transmission. of the virus.

“I was informed about the presence of coronavirus in two primary schools in Novi Sad. Employees who did not work in the classes and were not in contact with the students became infected. The necessary measures were taken in both schools, the patients were immediately isolated and the schools were completely disinfected. “Online classes have already been organized at the ‘Josip Slavenski’ school,” said Dina Vucinic.

According to her, all schools and preschool institutions in the Novi Sad territory have sufficient protective equipment and disinfectants, and the inspection checks every day whether all precautionary measures are implemented there.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
