THE “PREMIERE” TEAM VISITED ZILHA’S HOUSE, AND THEN THE SHOCK FOLLOWED! Fetic’s legal wife addressed these words! Chaos in the LIVE program (PHOTO)


This was totally unexpected!

Zilha Karišik, wife of the current cooperative Edis Ed Fetić, is currently one of the most wanted women in Serbia that everyone wants to hear. However, until today, she did not want to receive any media team at her home or give statements. Today, at Novi Pazar, he is a journalist for the program. “Premiere – Weekend Special” by Nemanja Vujicic who was supposed to speak to Zilh, but she finally gave up.

Photo: Pink TV Print Screen

She just wanted to answer the phone, while Nemanja was standing in front of her building.

At his insistence, I accepted to call, to say that I am not interested in anything, that I have no comment – Zilha said, and then went out on the balcony, greeted and returned to the apartment.

Photo: Pink TV Print Screen

Nemanja explained that he did not want to make statements and told him what he said when he was in his apartment.

She is shocked by everything that is happening, she said she managed to save the children, who are in Ed’s mother’s apartment right now, Nemanja said.

Photo: Pink TV Print Screen

Nemanja also spoke live to Ed, Fetic’s best friend, who confirmed that the two were in Zilha’s apartment.

Photo: Pink TV Print Screen

Maybe he is so smart, being consistent, not making statements, and I don’t want him to interfere. The family probably didn’t want to, they’re right. It is true that we were all sitting together in the apartment.

Photo: Pink TV Print Screen

For the journalist Nemanja Vujicic, this visit to Novi Pazar was not pleasant, since the team of the prime minister was the target of the inhabitants of this city.

Author: N.V.
