THE POVAMPIRE SECTOR OF HAR IN BELGRADE They are called “firstborn Christians”, this is where their headquarters are and WHO IS BEHIND THEM


The “Biblical Salvation” sect, which offers its fellow citizens help “to go to heaven prepared and not to go to hell”, was reactivated in New Belgrade, where brochures were distributed to the inhabitants of blocks 62, 63 and 64.

This sect operated in Pancevo and Borca last year, and they were later reported to the police on suspicion that they tried to steal all their property from their members before sending them to paradise. As “Alo” writes, some fellow citizens called the police in panic, stating that they suspect that behind the recruitment there is even a death sentence, according to the principle “yours is only to die!”

– The brochures were distributed in blocks by activists of the sect that is recognized as “biblical salvation”. They call themselves firstborn Christians and say they just want to help people not go to hell. They refer to the Bible, but interpret it according to their needs. In fact, they are dealing with manipulation of people and fraud, says the Detective and Security Agency (DBA) and warns of the danger that threatens fellow citizens.

As they add, the principle they work for is to earn the trust of the people and recruit them into their ranks.

– Then they persuade people to transfer their assets and give them all their income, and in return they will show them the way to salvation. As if salvation could be bought with money ?! They tell people that money is an obstacle on their path to eternity, just like their family members. In that way, they establish total control over the life and thinking of that person, separate him from family and friends who do not support the sect. Or they turn people into missionaries and preachers who will work for the cult. They will recruit new members, hand out flyers and dedicate their entire lives to cults, the DBA stated.

To protect ourselves from such deceivers, it is necessary that we know the religion to which we belong and that we choose carefully who we will trust. Also, we must know that if someone uses quotes from the Bible and mentions God, it does not mean that they are a good and well-intentioned person.

– We warn the public in Serbia not to trust such “organizations” – sects, because there is no sect that is not dangerous. Their headquarters, which they call a temple, is in Borča. The person behind this is a returnee from the United States, and we will just remind you that 90% of the sects came to Serbia from those areas. This sect has repeatedly distributed different flyers called “Perhaps these are your last five minutes of life”, about which we also warned after inviting dozens of concerned citizens – said the DBA.

“They use spiritual and religious crises”

In the words of the priest Ljubomir Ranković, times of great spiritual and cultural crisis are ripe for manipulations at all levels, especially in the religious and religious sphere.

– Such a time is propitious for the birth of numerous sects, whose actions destroy the spiritual being of man as an individual, the family and the community as a whole. They are created under the well-known motto: “If you want to win a million dollars, establish a cult.” They start by handing out flyers, which are bait on a dangerous hook. When the bait is swallowed, the man becomes a victim and finds himself in a web, Ranković says.
