The population of Croatia is still in fear the day after the earthquake


People in the village near Petrinja spent most of the night in cars and since this morning they have been working on repairing what can be repaired.

The long cold night is behind the people who live in Majske polje. The earthquake claimed five lives in the town. The fog could not hide the destroyed houses, they are watching and crying. They spent the night outside and put the children in the warmest place: in a van.

Petrinja Earthquake
Petrinja Earthquake

“People brought us food and blankets, so we slept there in this car, and the grandson and son are in the truck,” says one of the locals.

“We are all alive, that is important because in the town we have, unfortunately, five victims,” ​​added her husband.

A few miles away, the sobs do not stop.

“I thank God that we are all alive and because my children are with me. We are afraid and shocked, we have no electricity or living conditions, and I just wanted my children to live normally. We also bought a new stove for 12 installments, and now I know it’s over, “testified a Sivić village resident.

Tears and the third village. Everything he had was taken for Drazen. Both the house and the hayloft. Without words, it is difficult for him.

“All this makes me cry. I have no words. I spent the night in a van,” says Drazen.

Melita by Novi Glinski selo will never forget December 29, 2020.

“I ran out of the house and looked for my sister, we ran across the street and called her, terrible when you don’t know where your loved ones are. We found her alive ”, says Melita of Novi Glinski selo.

The rescue service reached Petrinja and its surroundings with search dogs within hours. Of a total of seven victims, they found four bodies.

“There, we unearthed a father and a son in the house. The dogs found them. Thanks to the dogs, we know if there is someone else under the rubble, the communication with the dog tells me if there is a person,” says Neven Putar of the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service.

An organist from the church in Žažina, near Lekenik, died in it. In the Church of San Nicolás Obispo, which was destroyed almost to the ground by the earthquake. From the ruins of the church, however, five parishioners made it out alive. A local has a similar story when a ladder fell on his head.

“It just came to our knowledge then. The skull got a little bit too, but that’s okay because it could have been dead.

A pensioner whose pension is less than 150 euros is alive, but no longer has a home. She is alone

“I slept in the car with my neighbors here.” I have nowhere to go, “he said.

“It’s scary, my son and I slept in the car, and it was raining, and it was like a horror movie, and this constantly shakes the ground under my feet. I’m not going anywhere,” said her neighbor.

Another night comes without a roof over your head, but that’s why the food is on the table, even in the middle of the patio.

“I am old and now it has to be heated, and I have prepared 50 meters of firewood. You see, it’s cold now and we’re outside, “said an elderly resident.

The citizens of Petrinja, Glina and the surrounding villages will not leave their homes, they say. They want renovations, temporary cabins or at least tents.

See the article on Dnevnik N1:
