
Rigorous moves would certainly pay off when it comes to the number of infected, and here is if they were discussed in Crisis Staff sessions.

Epidemiologist and crisis staff member Dr. Predrag Kon says the number of new patients does not show that we are at the peak of the third wave, although we might have expected to be. He adds that the measures taken so far have not yielded results and that more rigorous actions can prevent the spread of the virus, as can be seen in the example of some European countries.

– We must understand that we must listen to the economic and political side of the problem. The previous measures must be respected, masks must be mandatory indoors, and the medical part of the staff has proposed that they be mandatory outdoors, mainly in pedestrian areas. Everything that has been strictly determined thus far, in regards to behavior in catering facilities and service activities, must be strictly adhered to, and we also ask that they be seriously monitored, says Dr. Cohn, speaking about the last session of crisis personnel and the decisions made in it.

He adds that it is important to avoid contacts in conditions of loud music, entertainment, and this refers mainly to discos. It says that the measures are “fixed term” for two weeks, that is, they will be decided again in 14 days.

He points out that we don’t have time and that the situation is going uphill at high speed. The curve, he says, must be flattened.

Photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundzic, Pink.rs

There was no talk of the curfew

He adds that the curfew was not discussed in crisis staff sessions, although he heard President Aleksandar Vučić mention it. He says that it is certain that this measure would give results in terms of the number of new infected, but that, on the other hand, it would have enormous consequences for the economy.

– The medical part of the staff suggests what is necessary at this time and does not think about the curfew, but about preventing contacts. If all the provisions were respected and if there were no irresponsible behavior of individuals and groups, everything would be different and it is not true that the measures are respected because there are a lot of places where they are not respected – says Pink’s epidemiologist.

He points out that more massive infections occur especially in meetings, where loud music is heard, where you talk to noisy people, and if you drink with all that, you forget about the existence of the virus and respect for epidemiological measures.

– They are mostly clubs, celebrations, weddings, celebrations and these are places of great transmission, and where people then wonder what they needed all that for. In this way, the capacities of the hospitals are overloaded and I don’t know how much longer the health workers can hold – says Dr. Kon.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

We proposed to shorten the working day to 6 pm

When it comes to shortening the working hours of the catering facilities, Dr. Kon says that the medical part of the staff proposed that the working hours be reduced to 6 pm, and that after two weeks this decision be reviewed.

– We proposed it and saw it as a solution, and now we will wait and see. I hope we will be invited to a meeting, so that we can see what the decision is – says the epidemiologist.

Photo: Tanjug / Zoran Žestić

No border closures, foreigners require a negative PCR test

Regarding the possible closure of the borders due to the proximity of the New Year and Christmas holidays, Dr. Kon says that there is already a system according to which those entering Serbia are followed, and it is necessary to report to the ambulance. He says that it is impossible to do something drastically new, that it is only possible to introduce the obligation to pass a negative PCR test, but that so far it has not been talked about.

– It is impossible to ban our citizens from entering the country. It may be prohibited for foreigners, but not for our citizens. Even now, when foreigners come to Serbia, they have to have a negative test, so it is not something particularly new, recalls Dr. Kon.

So far, none of the vacation extension

When asked about the extension of the holidays, he said that it was not discussed in the Crisis Staff session, as the situation in terms of control is good. However, the number of infected is increasing, so it is possible that this will be an issue in the future, says the epidemiologist.
