The policemen whose beatings horrified Serbia showed up! THE EAR WAS CUT OFF ONCE (VIDEO)


The courier took possession of exclusive images from the surveillance cameras of a cafe in Sremska Mitrovica, in which two policemen, Miroslav Manjoš and Vladimir Nedeljković, were brutally beaten in 2017.

Almost three years after that incident, the beaten policemen opened their souls and said that the wounds had healed but that they still felt the consequences of the massacre committed against them by members of the Laćark criminal group.

After the incident, Miroslav Manjoša moved with his family to Belgrade, where he currently lives and works. He says he is reluctant to recall the unfortunate event after he resigned from Sremska Mitrovica Penitentiary, where he worked as a prison guard, but that he is closely following the course of the trial of the criminals who mutilated him and Vladimir.

– I really would not like to comment on the video you released. You can see everything in it and you can see who did what to whom. It is very painful for me to remember the whole event. That is why, among other things, I moved out of the country with my family.

He says that the physical wounds have healed, that he feels fine and that he prefers not to think about the fatal dinner, but to follow through lawyers and friends what is happening with his case, which was taken up by the High Court of Sremska Mitrovica.

– The evidence is there, there are the statements of the witnesses … As I understood in the next hearing, an expert examination of the recording must be done, so we will see what happens next. I hope that the judicial authorities will do their part properly and finally put an end to this case and properly punish the perpetrators – concluded Manjoš.

I died then they resurrected me and cut off my ear

His friend Vladimir Nedeljković, who also suffered through the fateful night, has the same attitude, saying he is fed up with watching the video and remembering the day he was practically killed and brought back to life.

– I’ve been through all that for two and a half years. If it weren’t for that video, it would still result from the Bazaar stories that we are to blame for everything and that we almost did it all to ourselves. And everything is nice to see there. You can see that after the first blows I lost consciousness and they continued to hit me, cutting me and Miroslav. I bled and practically died, so they had to resurrect me. It is true that I was not on duty, but they knew very well that I was a policeman and that Miroslav was a prison guard. If they were able to attack officials so brutally, what can an ordinary person expect from such people if they are released? Wonders Nedeljković, who has been on sick leave since the fateful night with numerous wounds, most of which have healed, but those the most difficult – psychic, are still showing.

– I should appear before the disability commission soon because I am no longer mentally or physically capable of working. They cut me everywhere. They cut off my ear, but the doctors managed to get it back. It is similar with a fist. I was stabbed with a knife and the doctors managed to assemble the tendons with the middle finger, but my nerves were shattered and now it is dysfunctional and my whole hand has atrophied. And they shot us. Part of the bullet is still in the back of the neck. Fortunately, it did not pierce the meninges, so doctors decided to remove it when the body simply pushed it into the skin. What can I tell you? I just hope that the court does its job fairly and that everything ends finally – said an indignant Nedeljković.

The reason for the attack

We assume that the motive for the attack was the fact that Nedeljković worked to expose them and bring them to justice for various criminal acts, and that Manjoš, sadly, suffered collateral damage as did a girl who suffered minor bodily injuries from a rebound, said one informed source. in the details of the investigation.

The defendants are members of a criminal group from Laćarka.

Members of the Laćarka criminal group, who will appear in court on September 10, are charged with the attack. The defendants are Vlatko Tojagic, Milan and Zivan Dragojlovic, Mladen Vukelic, Filip Milutinovic and Bojan Pavlovic, as well as Milenko Vukelic, who is at large.

The attackers mercilessly beat the policemen with everything and everything, arms, legs, chairs, broken bottles … At the end, one of the attackers took out a pistol and fired.

The bullet, which ricocheted, hit a girl.

The video shows the guests of the cafe fleeing in panic, bypassing the massacred policemen.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
