The police try to separate the fight from the fans and almost die: new details of HAOSA in the Partizan stadium and the consequent persecution | The chronic


Online News / S. J. |

April 29, 2020 9:14 PM> 22:02 |

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B. J. allegedly became involved in the confrontation, after which a group of hooligans rushed him and shots were heard.

TODAY’s fight between two groups of fans at Partizan Stadium attempted to be interrupted by a police officer who was there, and as a result nearly died, Novosti unofficially found out.

Specifically, B. J. was allegedly involved in a confrontation that erupted around 3:50 p.m., after which he was rushed by a group of hooligans and shots were heard. Unofficially, he escaped on his motorcycle while at least one car was chasing him.

Soon after, a motorcyclist hit a billboard on Duke Aleksandar Karadjordjevic boulevard in Dedinje, causing minor injuries. We unofficially discovered that it was Officer B. J. Three hooligans were arrested as a result of this incident.

So far, there is no indication that B. J. has been injured in the shooting.

It should be remembered that a block fight occurred between the buildings on Stjepan Filipovic Street just before 4 pm. As the media reported, there were gunshots and sobs. The hooligans dressed in tracksuits and black-and-white masks fled in the direction of Prokop, where they again faced off with a rival group.
