The police raided Slobo Radanović’s performance, what they found there will horrify the whole of Serbia! (PHOTO / VIDEO)



02/14/2021. 18:11 – 14.02.2021. 18:37

The police broke into the tavern and interrupted Slobo Radanović’s scandalous performance and emptied the bar. At that time, there were hundreds of people inside, and they all had to go to the exit door and no one paid for drinks, clothes.

Sloda Radanović, her gang and the management of “Gradska kafana” were arrested and will be prosecuted for a misdemeanor.

The Chief of the Communal Police took the singer’s microphone and addressed the public:

What a shame! Everyone leaves the bar immediately and lets the employees go to the bar. What you are doing is a serious violation of epidemiological measures and you will be responsible for it. he said.

About a hundred members of the communal and ordinary police participated in this action, fifty entered the bar and the same number was outside.

The queue for the aforementioned singer’s performance was too big and the crowd at the aforementioned bar was huge. We can’t help but see the fact that while people in Serbia are dying every day and fighting the vicious virus, the singer is performing in a crowded cafe where people are pushing to enter.


Read more about last night’s scandalous party, which was also interrupted HERE.
