The police prevented the suicide of children after a “challenge” in this social network


HORROR AT TIKTOK IN BIH: Police prevented child suicides later

Photo: YouTube prtscr /, Profimedia

Lately, there have been “challenges” on the TikTok social network where children are invited to commit suicide, and Petrovic tells TV N1 BiH that it cannot be said for sure whether such calls are initiated by the youngest.

He emphasized that while it is difficult to control such “challenges”, it is possible to locate who initiates them.

“Digital, like any other trace, can be identified. By calling, we get data from other Interpol members, if the suspect is outside Bosnia and Herzegovina. Specifically, this case started in Russia,” explained the inspector.

He added that the children of these times lack challenges and enthusiasm, as well as that the use of social networks has increased and it is enough that someone comes up with such a challenge. and several children will surely follow.

“We as the FUP work preventively and repressively. We work preventively in the education of children, and we carry out investigations and monitoring in a repressive way. As far as Bosnia and Herzegovina is concerned, it is not critical how it sounds. We didn’t find a case that we didn’t prevent before the execution. Two months with the children that we prevented, “Petrovic said.

Petrovic points out that it is very important for parents to talk to their children.

“I think the most important thing is a conversation between a father and a son. In my opinion, it is better to be intimate than to suffer the consequences. The problem is that parents are much less technologically educated than their children. Communication through the school is important – teacher or pedagogue with the child, “said Petrovic.

The Serbian Interior Ministry, as Tanjug was previously told, checks for potentially dangerous content for children and young people on certain social networks and calls on parents to follow their children’s activities on those networks.

The Ministry of the Interior affirms that it was informed about the information circulating on a social network, and refers to the group suicide of young people and that they are verifying the validity of these warnings in the territory of Serbia.

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