The police have been expelling 700 people from the club for half an hour! (PHOTO / VIDEO)



02/13/2021. 22:32 – 13.02.2021. 23:10

The police interrupted the party tonight.

Illegal party, Photo:

Ivan Divac, the head of the communal police, told the portal what is currently happening in the very center of the city.

According to the police, he was surprised by the number of people he found inside the club, but also by those who were waiting in line to enter.

– There are currently more than 700 people in the disco. There is a DJ inside and more than 30 people were waiting in front of the club who wanted to enter. We are inside with the police and intervention and we have not been able to empty the bar for half an hour! – says Divac.

As he further explains, the doors were locked outside, so that no one could enter, and a real party was taking place inside the club, like the ones we practiced before the corona virus.

The communal police chief claims that it is an illegal party outside working hours, in which all protection measures are violated.

– The Palilula police patrol put an end to this party – emphasizes Divac.

We remind you that the Communal Police patrol the city at night and control all the facilities, verifying that they respect the prescribed epidemiological measures.
