The police are not only filming speeding, but another infraction, and then they give you 2 tickets



22.09.2020. 18:51

Traffic police can use radar to detect speeding, but also overtake on the full line and punish the arrogant driver for both infractions.

traffic cop

Traffic police, Photo: Hello! / Masanori Yoshida

The president of the Professional Association of Police “Rudolf Archibald Rice”, Nenad Ljubišić, showed what it looks like, when he posted an overtaking image hanging over the entire line in a curve on Twitter.

Yesterday, the traffic police radar photographed the arrogant driver’s car just at the moment when he was passing over the complete line of the curve, and based on that photo where you can see the exact time of the violation and the number of vehicle registration, the MUP will issue a fine to the car owner.

That, after all, was announced by Ljubišić.

– Gentlemen, in addition to measuring the speed of vehicles from today, we are monitoring and sending a congratulatory message to the “complete line” to the management – said Ljubišić on Twitter under the image of the irresponsible driver’s violation.

By the way, the photo was taken during the international action “ROADPOL Safety Days”, which began last Wednesday and ends today, and aims to reduce traffic accidents and their consequences.

During these actions, the traffic police also try to draw the attention of drivers to responsible behavior behind the wheel. Ljubisic did the same.

However, this type of overtaking across the line is nothing new, say the traffic police.

Alcohol test, traffic police

Alcohol test, traffic police, Photo: Tanjug / Dušan Aničić

This means a penalty for two offenses.

– Each radar vehicle speed record involves taking a photo or taking a photo as evidence of a violation. If during said speed check the radar catches the driver’s lips and overtakes over the full line, it means that the driver will receive a penalty for two infractions:

Accelerate and pass on a solid line. This is nothing new. This is how we have worked so far. The situation is similar with a fixed camera that, for example, warns that a vehicle passes through the yellow lane and it turns out that its registration has expired. There are also two fines – they explain in the traffic police.

As a reminder, the fine for going over the full line was increased two years ago by the Amendments to the Road Safety Law and amounts to 20,000 dinars.

It must be said that these changes are authorized to exceed the entire line of tractors, motor cultivators, work machines, cars or bicycles, as long as the traffic in the opposite direction is not endangered.

However, these vehicles must not pass ahead or in a step, ahead or in a blind curve and in a tunnel.

Also, overtaking over the full line of a slow vehicle that stops to let pedestrians pass is not allowed.
