The police and the gendarmerie did not react to the progressives’ coup: the Society


Last night Ana Nedelkoski was attacked by an Aleksandar Vučić supporter at a rally in front of parliament.

While the head of the SNS parliamentary group, Aleksandar Martinović, started a hunger strike due to the torn jacket of Marijan Risticević, one of the supporters of the progressives, gathered in front of the Assembly to support him, beat the girl, Ana Nedelkoski, who responded to verbal attacks.

The police and the gendarmerie did not react to the blow of the progressives 1

The day before, when the attack took place, the gendarmerie separated and kept at a distance two groups of gathered citizens: SNS sympathizers and opponents of the Aleksandar Vučić regime. However, she did not protect the injured girl, nor did she react when the hit occurred.

– I felt miserable because at first the Gendarmerie did not want to react, although I always showed who did it to me. After all, I feel disappointed and sad, says Ana Nedelkoski for Danas. She came to the rally in front of the Assembly with her sister and son-in-law, wanting to see what was happening there.

– We stepped aside, while the SNS supporters were visibly drunk with cans in their hands. First, they pushed the man in front of me and broke my backpack. I answered them and in the end I said that Vučić was a thief. A man in the crowd asked me what I said, and I repeated. He started to stretch his clothes, he bumped into me and slapped me, says Nedelkoski. Her son-in-law ran to separate the man from her, and then there was a commotion.

– They tore his son-in-law’s shirt and hit him on the shoulder and neck. My ear buzzed from the blow and I’m not the most stable because I have a cable in my knee, emphasizes our interlocutor. The most terrible thing, he adds, is that the police and the Gendarmerie did not react. When a police officer asked him who to turn to, he received the answer “I don’t know” and when the Gendarmerie arrived, people pointed to the attacker and said that he had beaten her, but they, as he says, completely ignored him. “

After she left the crowd, three plainclothes inspectors approached her and asked what had happened.

– They were inspectors from the Interior Ministry of Stari Grad, and I am very grateful to them. I was advised to go for an examination at a health institution that is not greedy, says Nedelkoski. He went to the Military Medical Academy, and only an hour after midnight, he was informed that the attacker had been arrested and taken into custody. Our interlocutor no longer feels headaches, but, as she says, there is still a feeling of disappointment and sadness. The video of the attack on Nedelkoski was broadcast yesterday on social media, and she said after the comment that Dveri’s supporter said that she and her sister have been members of the Democratic Party for ten years.

Dragana Rakić, DS Vice President, tells Danas that the event in front of the National Assembly, when a man nearly knocked out a woman with a blow to the head, clearly indicates that we are one step away from civil conflict.

According to her, we are witnessing that we live in a deeply divided society and that we are strongly polarized on every issue, including which newspapers we read, which television stations we see, who our cable operator is, if we hit Sherpas on terraces at 20, 05 or we light torches on the roofs at 8:30 p.m.

– The generator of this growing violence and tension in society is the autocratic regime of Aleksandar Vučić, who for years, in a fully conscious and systematic way, with the help of unrelenting propaganda, spreading the most heinous lies about political dissidents, incites citizens against each other and encourages scenes as unpleasant as we have done before. Assembly, Rakić believes and adds that lies and hypocrisy are the basic characteristics of the Aleksandar Vučić regime. Recalling the progressives’ “Stop Violence Against Women” campaign, he says that believing in his sincerity is the same as believing that Martinović is really on a hunger strike.

– Today, everyone in Serbia is in danger, not just women. Even members of the Serbian Progressive Party are in danger, many of them would like to leave this monstrous organization, but are afraid of reprisals from their bosses. Although a woman’s attacker was arrested in a protest in front of the Assembly, it is the most common farce and spectacle for people, serving the authorities as a “fig leaf” to hide the shame that our judiciary and The prosecutor’s office has been destroyed and that Serbia has been a rule of law for a long time. It applies to everyone, Rakić notes, adding that protests by progressives during the coronavirus pandemic show that their fear of losing their status and power is greater than their concern for the health and lives of citizens.

Professor Biljana Stojković says for our article that she is no longer sure whether progressives are aware of their own hypocrisy.

– It seems that they are not able to connect the meaning of two adjacent sentences, and only their speech and behavior are in complete contradiction. We often forget that they are not directed at people who think a little more about reality, but at their own voters. The former cannot fool, so we are often amazed at their success in fooling numerous people, Stojković emphasizes. She adds that, on the other hand, SNS voters are reluctant to accept everything, regardless of contradictions.

– Finally, the regime will try not to confuse them, so it will implacably place the story of the torn jacket, which in vain turned into an assassination attempt, and the attack on the woman will not be a topic in its media. The progressive slogan “Stop violence against women” will continue to be successfully sold where and when necessary, concludes Biljana Stojković.

Veselinović: behavior of the SNS according to the fascist model

One of the SZS founders, Janko Veselinović, commented on the attack by progressive supporters on women with the words “it’s SNS”.

– The day before, they allegedly protested fascism and acted according to the fascist model. It’s a shame that they beat a woman in front of the camera. Imagine what they do beyond the cameras. They do what their president does: they lie to us. They speak one thing and do another. But they have corrupt parts of the police, the prosecution and the judiciary behind them. In short, they have stolen our state and live on the weakest. They burn, they insult, they beat – estimates Veselinović.

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