The police and gendarmerie control Novi Pazar – Society


In just two days there were two shootings in the central streets of Novi Pazar, in which three people were seriously injured and one brandishing a weapon in a restaurant.

Police and gendarmerie control Novi Pazar 1Photo: S. Župljanin

That was the specific reason why Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin ordered a greater presence of the police and gendarmerie on the streets of this city.

Their presence since yesterday morning is evident in the streets and entrances to Novi Pazar, where they stop cars and search trunks.

On Thursday, the Police Minister spoke with the Chief and the heads of the Novi Pazar Police Administration.

A statement from the Interior Ministry indicates that Minister Vulin said that “the citizens of Novi Pazar do not deserve to live in a city where people are being killed, where you can carry weapons with impunity, shoot, where you can break the law.”

The law is the same for everyone and protects all of our citizens everywhere in Serbia. “

Yesterday, the Novi Pazar Police Department announced that it had initiated disciplinary proceedings against inspectors EG (32) and EH (31) “due to a serious violation of official duty.” The two inspectors were removed from work until the end of the procedure. The statement indicates that the policemen “were sitting yesterday in a cafe in Novi Pazar with NB (37), when, immediately afterwards, as is suspected, he shot NA (38)” and that NB is suspected of being a weapon, who possessed illegally, he fired several shots at the NA, which is still being intensively searched.

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