BELGRADE – Tonight, Police Director Vladimir Rebić appealed to some politicians to stop making it difficult for police officers and prosecutors with their statements.
Commenting on the actions of the state authorities in the case of the beating of young people in Novi Sad, he called on certain politicians to stop “organizing and conducting persistent searches and investigations of the reality that make it difficult for police officers and processed “.
In a statement to the media, Rebić recalled that the Novi Sad police were informed of the beating of a 28-year-old young man on August 24 by doctors, who helped him with the injuries, he said at the time. , by people unknown to him.

“From then until today, in cooperation with the competent prosecutor’s office, the police officers have taken all measures and actions to clarify all the circumstances of the incident and identify the suspect Ivan Kontić (1990),” he said. Rebic.
He recalled that the police and the prosecution assess, in accordance with the law, when the publication of the aforementioned details in public is in the interest of a faster capture of the suspects, and when it can only harm and hinder. and search.
As he stated, the work of the police is not sensations as some politicians imagine, but the clarification of criminal acts.
“The new persecution that the police are currently carrying out to protect or hide someone, because after the publication of the video, she informed the public about all the measures taken so far, is at least shameful,” said the director of police.
He said that the police will continue to work intensively in the search and arrest of the suspect, which is their job together with other institutions, and “we leave the politicians mentioned to obviously try to politicize.” What do they get to score some points?
Earlier, the head of the Novi Sad Police Department, Milorad Šušnjić, criticized certain politicians and the media, claiming that they maliciously and incorrectly accused the police of wanting to hide something in this case.

The Interior Ministry announced today that it is intensively searching for Ivan Kontić (1990), suspected of beating a 28-year-old man on Jevrejska Street in Novi Sad and inflicting serious bodily injury, and called on citizens to call the Police Department of Novi Sad. phone 064-892-3876 or the Ministry number 011-362-7223 if they have information about this case.
According to the statement, the Interior Ministry is in intensive contact with the agencies responsible for issuing orders to issue an international Interpol warrant.
IK is suspected of hitting the young man several times to the head and body, as a result of which he lost consciousness, after which he broke both of the injured man’s forearms, and a video showing the brutal beating was published on social media . young man.

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