The organs of the Assembly of Free Serbia are formed


The first protest meeting of citizens and members of the Free Serbia Assembly ended on the plateau in front of the Faculty of Philosophy.

Addressing the audience, Belgrade Biology Faculty Professor Biljana Stojković said that “the Assembly of Free Serbia was founded in a state without a state, in a state without institutions, in which only one person rules.”

He said it was “a gathering of people who do not want to live in someone’s crazy imagination, nor in the reality of Vučić”, and that the members of the Free Serbia Assembly were “nominated by people who no longer have any rights in this country”. Stojković also said that “the question is who nominated Vučić and his clique” as well as that they are “as legal as it is to steal, blackmail and sue people.”

Academician Dušan Teodorović said that the situation in Serbia is evidenced by the fact that it is declining by about 40,000 inhabitants a year, due to negative population growth, and that many more young people are leaving the country.

He said that “50 percent of all of us are over 43 years old,” and that the percentage growth rate of the population is less than 0.5 percent, so greater investments are needed in increasing the birth rate and help families with children, and not in projects such as building a national stadium or rebuilding the village where Prime Minister Ana Brnabić will move.

protest, free serbiaSource: FoNet / Marija Djokovic

Lawyer Bozo Prelevic said that according to the parameters of the rule of law, democratic rights and freedom of the media, we are behind Europe and that “we can thank the current government and those who made it possible for them to sit in power. in 2012”.

“We can thank the media darkness, but also our silence and agreement, there are no innocents here,” Prelevic said, adding that “today in Serbia, a criminal can only suffer from the crown”, and that “no nation has achieved a great happiness crawling. ” , and that the fight for a better Serbia cannot be obtained with joking comments on social media.

A member of the Initial Board, Sava Manojlovic, said that the mere fact that the Assembly of Free Serbia was established shows that freedom in Serbia is in danger. He said the government was announcing the creation of two new ministries in the new government, based on which, he said, “it is clear that these values ​​do not exist in Serbia.”

Manojlovic said that official institutions “were established to cover up the violation of those rights”, while the Assembly of Free Serbia was established “as a parallel institution to restore freedom and rights to those institutions.” Manojlovic said that the Free Serbia Assembly will be open to all proposals, movements and initiatives. He announced that on Monday he would organize the lighting of “1,000 candles in 1,000 days of unsolved murder” of Kosovar politician Oliver Ivanovic.

Formed bodies of the Assembly

The organs of the Assembly of Free Serbia were also elected, and Branislav Guta Grubacki, founder of the “New Optimism” organization, was elected general coordinator.

The relevant Councils of this organization were elected in the Assembly, and Vida Petrović Škero was elected coordinator of the Council of State Administration and Justice, lawyer Božo Prelević for security, epidemiologist Zoran Radovanović for health and journalist Nedim Sejdinović was elected media council coordinator. The Council for Education and Science will be chaired by academic Dušan Teodorović and Professor Oliver Tošković, the Council for Culture will be led by director Milica Kralj, the Council for Architecture, Urbanism and Transport by architect Dragoljub Bakić, the Council for International Relations It will be headed by Vesna Petrović. and for agriculture Rodoljub Kubat.

Savo Manojlović, Biljana Stojković, Perica Velisavljević and Čedomir Čupić were also elected council members.

The Assembly of Free Serbia was symbolically formed in July, on the plateau near the Faculty of Philosophy, at the initiative of various intellectuals with the idea of ​​being an alternative body and aims to bring together all citizens who want to create a better Serbia and democratic.
