The opposition wants in RTS: The voice of those who do not think like the government is heard on the air


The opposition demands that its voice be heard in the Public Service. Various parties and movements submitted a request to hold a meeting with the editorial board at the Serbian Radio Television office.

When Serbian Radio Television journalists do not invite opposition politicians to the programs, the opposition calls the RTS editors for a dialogue.

They ask that the voice of the dissidents be aired.

“There are parties that have collected 10,000 signatures in their foundation, they regularly participate in political life, in elections, and it is time that we regularly attend with our opinions or at least denials,” said the president of the New Party, Aris Movsesian.

The same letter, part of the opposition, has already been sent to the RTS address, but by email. They got no response.

“If a solution is not reached through dialogue, the responsibility for other methods of releasing RTS, which may occur, will be assumed by the leadership of Serbian Radio Television,” says Konstantin Samofalov, of the Social Democratic Party.

Will there be more opposition in RTS, at least in the pre-election year? At the moment, the Board of Directors of this house cannot agree on who will be its CEO. In other words, a few days ago the second contest for the director of the Public Service failed, since none of the candidates obtained the required majority of votes.

The FPN professor believes that the acting status of the first man in the Public Service is better suited to the authorities.

In the years leading up to the elections, which have already been announced, you are in no way in favor of some changes in the Public Service, they have a loyal representative in the Public Service, so playing the democratic electoral process here is another game. and another farce democracy, “says Professor Jelena Djordjevic.

It should be recalled that Dragan Bujošević has been serving as Acting General Manager of RTS since May 5, when his five-year term expired.
