The opposition criticizes Vučić – government mandate – boycott – electoral conditions


Officials from the Democratic Party, the Freedom and Justice Party, the People’s Party, the Free Citizens’ Movement and the Democratic Party of Serbia criticize the announcement by the President of Serbia that the new government’s work will be limited in duration. DS’s Srdjan Milivojevic says that existing electoral conditions can only lead to a boycott. The president of the DSS, Milos Jovanovic, considers that Vucic’s decision is an indicator of the abnormal functioning of democracy. Djilas, Obradovic and Aleksic agree: Vucic admitted that the boycott was successful. PSG’s Grbović: “Vučić’s hook”.

DS Main Council member Srdjan Milivojevic assessed as a nonsense idea that “after illegitimate elections, Serbia will win other illegitimate elections.” He told Beta news agency that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić must be aware that “the existing electoral conditions can only lead to a new boycott.”

“The only way out of the deep political crisis in which Vucic introduced Serbia is the formation of a transitional government, the immediate resignation of this illegitimate convocation of the Serbian Parliament and the launch of mechanisms for Serbia to win fair and honest elections in the to elect a stable government, “Milivojevic said.

Commenting on Vučić’s announcement that the work of the new government will be timed, Milivojević stated that Vučić must be aware of the fact that the existing electoral conditions can only lead to a boycott.

“Whether he will be aware of the need to overcome the political crisis or continue to deepen it, depends on him, not on the opposition. Both Vučić and the SNS know the conditions presented by the United Democratic Opposition as necessary to go to the polls.” I don’t see that nothing has changed, I do not see that media freedoms have improved and I do not see that they are thinking in that direction, “said Milivojevic, adding that if the authorities want normal, fair and honest elections, then they must have normal and fair elections. .and fair conditions for those elections.

He reiterated that the DS does not complain about the electoral law, which is “quite decent”, but about the electoral conditions, the theft of elections, “something that the law does not prescribe, but that happens in the polling stations.”

Milivojevic valued as a precedent the announcement that the work of the new government will be scheduled until April 2022, when the parliamentary elections will be merged with the presidential ones. “Vučić decided to enter the annals and anthology of the world’s dictators because no tyrant has done so so far. I ask Aleksandar Vučić on the basis of which constitutional authority calls new elections before finding out who the ministers are based on the results of previous, albeit illegitimate, and illegal elections? ”asked Milivojevic.

He said it was especially indicative that Vucic also announced a “war with the mafia”, as he himself put it: “I am in the lead”, but noted that Serbia needs “a showdown with the ‘advanced mafia’ that took over the country.” “The president of the Progressives is aware that, instead of raising the mallet with which he allegedly threatens the mafia, in this country he is raising a hook and a hoe, which is a danger for him, so he is calling elections ”, believes Milivojevic.

Djilas: the first step in the plan to change the regime

The president of the Freedom and Justice Party, Dragan Djilas, estimated that Vucic, by announcing the early elections, that is, shortening the government’s mandate to a third, admitted that the boycott was a success.

“It was the first step in our plan to overthrow this regime. I congratulate the citizens for this success. We continue with our plan, with all our partners we will define clear demands for fair and honest elections and we will make them public when we complete agreements with all opponents of the Vučić’s regime.

“These demands will be the basis for negotiations under the auspices of the EU, which will provide STRs and free voting without blackmail or pressure,” the SAA announced.

It is added that at the same time, cooperation is being agreed in the recruitment and training of controllers who will preserve each vote in these free elections.

“Whatever Vučić says, he can no longer hide that Serbia is in a political crisis, that the health of the population is in danger and that we are facing an economic collapse.

Only all of us united in the fight against the madness that they sell us for a normal life can we return the state that this regime kidnapped the people. And we will, “says Djilas.

Aleksic: Extraordinary parliamentary elections are unequivocal confirmation of the boycott’s success

People’s Party Deputy Chairman Miroslav Aleksić also evaluated Vučić’s announcement about the early parliamentary elections, no later than April 2022, as “unequivocal confirmation that the boycott was successful.”

In a statement to the Beta agency today, Aleksić said that the success of the boycott of the recent parliamentary elections has been confirmed several times so far, but that now that confirmation has also come from Vučić.

According to him, Vučić is aware that he cannot form a government without the opposition, adding that Serbia is the only one in Europe without the opposition in parliament.

Aleksic said that the most important thing for the opposition is to fight for the conditions to go to the polls, stating that they expect help from the European Union.

“He (Vučić) can call the elections in three months, if the conditions are not fair, nothing will change,” Aleksić said.

Obradovic: The new parliament is losing its meaning

Dveri leader Boško Obradović assessed that by announcing the scheduling of early parliamentary elections even before the Government and Assembly were formed, the government recognized that the boycott had been successful and that the Assembly without opposition was unsustainable.

“Because, why would there be early elections if the elections were democratic, the boycott failed and the government has an absolute majority? The new Parliament above all loses all meaning because all the parliamentary parties will enter the Government and there will be no one to control power executive, “Obradovic said. in a written statement.

He added that for early elections to be truly free and fair, Serbia needs a transitional government of experts that provides the conditions for democratic elections and, first of all, freedom of the media and the prevention of official campaigns and the pressure on voters.

“It is better for democracy when the presidential, parliamentary and local elections are in different terms. It is also inadmissible that the president, as president of all citizens who cannot have any other public function according to the Constitution, is the holder of electoral lists in elections to the National Assembly, local assemblies and local community councils, “he added.

Obradović believes that the question of changing the electoral system should be opened before the elections, because the current proportional electoral system with blocked electoral lists and Serbia as a single district does not exist anywhere else in Europe except in Serbia and Montenegro.

“Such an electoral system favors partocracy and excludes citizens from the election of the people’s deputies. The citizens vote, but they do not vote, but the political deputies delegate to the people’s deputies in Parliament,” said the leader of Dveri .

Grbović: The opposition will not buy Vučić’s hook

The leader of the Free Citizens Movement (PSG), Pavle Grbović, evaluated Aleksandar Vučić’s statement on the early parliamentary elections as “bait for the opposition”, stating that “they will not buy that hook.”

In a statement to the Beta agency, Grbović said the intention was “to try to save the Belgrade government by merging the elections”, as well as to challenge the issue of the crisis of democracy and the upcoming negotiations on electoral conditions.

“In this context, the appointment of Ivica Dacic to the position of president of the Assembly should be considered, because he is a master of coffee diplomacy and, to put it popularly, of selling mist,” he said.

He added that the concentration government is further polarizing society to preserve power after 2022, mainly in Belgrade.

Jovanovic: Legislature indicates abnormal functioning of democracy

The president of the Democratic Party of Serbia assessed that the decision to limit the term of the next government and merge the next parliamentary elections with the presidential ones is an indicator of the abnormal functioning of the democratic order in Serbia.

“This confirms the need for systemic changes that we advocate, and that must start from the change of the electoral system, to change this ridiculous party political system,” Jovanovic told Beta news agency.

He assessed that, from the point of view of what is good for the current government, this move makes sense in tactical and strategic terms.

“In this way, they are expanding the front and weakening the margin of maneuver of the opposition, which would otherwise be mainly concentrated in the Belgrade elections. But, in essence, all this shows the abnormal functioning of the democratic order in Serbia,” He said.

The president of Serbia and the Serbian Progressive Party, Vučić, said on Tuesday that the new government of Serbia will be limited in duration and that the next parliamentary elections will be held no later than April 3, 2022, along with the presidential elections.
