The opinions of the locals can no longer be ignored! For which country does this plane work? (VIDEO)


We all know Kongke La, it is a pass with a low ridge in the Himalayas in the disputed Indochinese border area in Ladakh. The Chinese who dominate the northeast part are known as Aksai Chin, and the Indian southwest is known as Ladakh.

The armies of India and China fought a great war here in 1962, and this is one of the least accessible areas in the world and according to the agreement, the two countries do not patrol that part of the border. They follow this area from a distance and are obviously aware of the global events related to the UFO expeditions that are taking place here.

While this may seem perfectly rational, it makes sense why media coverage in these areas is so low, making them an ideal place to engage in activities that could pose a threat to both nations, along with additional concerns about global security, about UFOs.

The first evidence on this UFO BASE issue appeared in June 2006, when Google Earth satellite images revealed a 1: 500 scale model of the terrain on the Chinese side of the border. This detailed image showed the model in question surrounded by military-type buildings, which is suspicious, because none of the countries claimed to monitor this area, much less have a military base here.

By interacting with the local population living on both sides of the border, it is claimed that there is an underground UFO base in this region, along with people reporting incidents of hearing UFOs and watching them go underground. The “triangular flying objects”, as reported, flew straight into the sky and quickly disappeared. The area has a strict policy of tourist interactions, despite travel permits between the two countries. Numerous reports from Ladakh regularly cite UFOs, although they have always been hidden under the label “Chinese Fire Lanterns”.

Some of the first evidence of the same appeared in 2004 in the TGE Lahaul-Spiti region of the Himalayas in Himchal Pradesh, the team that led the expedition, led by Dr. Anil Kulkarni of the ISRO Center for Space Applications in Ahmedabad, who It was made up of geologists and glaciologists. They filmed a four-foot humanoid walking through the valley, disappearing in a UFO. The meeting lasted about 45 minutes and fourteen people, including scientists, presented it as evidence. Subsequently, Dr. Kulkarni submitted a detailed and verified account report to the PMO and ISRO.

In geographical context, this is a region where a strange convergence of Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates has been observed. The overlapping of one plate with another resulted in the earth’s crust becoming thicker than in other regions of the world. The thickness is said to be almost double than usual. It may be interesting to consider the geography of this region. Physical conditions are said to be a major factor why an alien would inhabit this region.

The freedom to create underground bases, far below tectonic plates, is something that is not feasible everywhere. Another worrying factor comes from the fact that the region is conglomerated with granite rocks, but none of the governments have attempted to excavate the area. Although most of you believe that the governments of any country are aware of the situation, I personally believe that we cannot blame you for that, but the only surprising element in all this funny fact is the unusual behavior of the most populated countries in the world. who give up the possibility of exploiting resources for no particular reason.

Religious history is important in a scientific discussion. Some Hindu pilgrims noticed strange lights in the night sky that looked like silent luminous crafts, emerging from somewhere and constantly moving vertically into the sky. Their curiosity led them to an area where the Chinese authorities denied them entry. They tried to ask the Indian side for permission, but to their surprise it was also rejected. The interrogation guide said these encounters were widespread throughout the area. Indian security has revealed that the incidents with these glowing objects (apparently UFOs) with amplified and modulated lights appearing from the underworld are true. However, unauthorized personnel were unable to enter the area, they claimed.

In 2012, an N-shaped object was spotted over Pangong Lake. Lake Pangong is located between the borders of India and China. A terrestrial spectrum analyzer capable of detecting the frequencies emitted by various objects participated in the analysis of the Indian army. What is surprising is the fact that while the object was crystal clear to the naked eye, the analyzer could not find the frequencies, clearly indicating that the object was not metallic. A reconnaissance drone was also used for testing purposes and was done to collect information, but when the drone reached its altitude limit, the object disappeared. To several Indian soldiers, the object looked like a piece of canvas floating towards Pangong Lake, located in the closed domain of the control line.

The ITBP (Indo-Tibetan Border Police Patron) and the military reported unusual sightings which, as previously stated, were visible to the naked eye, but were not detected by radar. Reports sent to the Delhi headquarters and the PMO described the sightings as “Unidentified light objects: both seen in time, day and night.” Bright objects are believed to be spherical in shape and appear to form on the Chinese side of the horizon and cross for three to five hours before disappearing. The ITBP also requested such sightings, and in 2012 alone, 100 such sightings were reported. What makes these reports even more compelling are claims by locals who recounted the incident of seeing strange flying lights and giant objects. In a painting contest organized by the school, more than half of the students drew strange objects flying through the sky.

Due to the lack of scientific evidence due to the difficult terrain, the rumors took up more space than the facts and figures. An analysis of previous expert records indicated an anomaly in the region. The reappearance of these terrestrial objects forces man to believe that there is something in this area, but without any concrete foundation and scientific explanations, the popular media have decided not to discuss it. Many officials also believe that the mysterious facilities could be the result of China’s activities or discreet investigations to determine the strength of India in the Ladakh region. Could the demographics and geography of large areas of the Himalayas be to blame for unusual sightings? Theories

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