The only student in Europe to receive a full scholarship, FOR A CENTURY AND A HALF! Teodora de Bujanovac lived modestly with a single mother, and then went to a prestigious university, this is HER STORY


Teodora Stojilković is a girl from Bujanovac who attends International Relations studies with a specialization in transatlantic relations at the Sciences Po Paris University in France.

She is the only student in Europe who received a full scholarship, for a century and a half, since the existence of that university, reported, writes “Vranjenews”.

– I come from Bujanovac and I live with an unemployed single mother. I thought that I was not special in any way and that I certainly would not receive a scholarship to go out into the world and study at a prestigious university. I did not have the means to achieve the goal, but I had the desire to see, hear, learn and change myself and the world around me – Theodora begins her story.

He did not tell anyone about his wish to enroll in university in France, because as is often the case with wishes, if you say them out loud, there is a chance that they will not come true.

– I was afraid of failure, but more afraid of staying and doing nothing. That is why I turned to Marija Ratković, at the time assistant mayor of Šabac, in charge of youth affairs, to refer me to a foundation that supports the dreams of young people. I touch my story and decided to finance the application of the faculty – says Teodora.

It was a defining moment in which Theodora realized that the changes came from ourselves. A few weeks later, he received an email saying he was received. However, her mother knew nothing.

– I was afraid of my mother’s reaction, and if she says: What France is far away. He was also afraid of leaving her alone. However, I did not dare to give up near the goal. I told him the news slowly, timidly. Your reaction is me Surprised. She began to cry and said through tears:I will do everything possible for you to enroll in the university ”- remembers Teodora.

She adds that she is the only one in the family who enrolled in college and set out for a distant land. After signing up, you discovered that you were received a scholarship that covered only the cost of studies, not travel and residence in a foreign country.

“This is the story of one and all women’s struggle to go to school and get an education.”

So he decided to seek help from foundations that support young people.

Since he received no reply, he almost lost hope. At that moment came another email from the faculty informing him that they had decided to cover the full cost of schooling and that this was the first time in the history of the university.

– I never knew why, only the campus director told me later that no child in Europe has received a full scholarship and that until now only children in Africa who have risen from incredible conditions have been able to obtain it. That’s where my story lies, because you know that this is not just a story about a little girl from little Serbia who succeeded, this is a story about the struggle of each and every child, the struggle of each and every one. of women to go to school and education, to change something, this is a struggle. all – says Teodora.

However, just days after the faculty announcement of the full scholarship, she was contacted by the Foundation. “1%” and informed her that the national team’s basketball player, Sonja Vasić, wants to help her.

After that, other athletes appeared: Zorana Arunović, a member of the national archery team, then Aleksandra Krunić, a tennis player and others.

– For me, as a former basketball player, it was strong. touching. They heard my story and decided to help me. There is a saying that behind a successful woman there is a whole village of women. This is my history. And it all started with women, so it’s time to continue with them – says Teodora.

Colleagues admire your desire to change something.

She explains that there were many obstacles and misunderstandings, especially from the teachers at the school who told her “just drop it, you don’t need it in your life.”

Her resistance to change gave her the strength to go on and really change something, not just for herself, but for generations to come.

– I made activism has taught people to divide into good and bad. We asked the government of the Republic of Serbia for joint schools, and that is what I remember as the most beautiful period of our activism. We didn’t get them, but we know we tried to change something – concludes.

Theodora is the first semester Successfully completed. He is currently in Serbia because the campuses are closed, but he will soon return to France where he will continue his education. She says her colleagues graciously accepted her and that they did. admire your wish to change something.

What makes her especially happy is the fact that, at least the people she met on campus, do not observe Serbia through information published in the media, but through the example of a Serbian woman who came to a country. foreigner to learn to enrich it.
