THE ONLY SON OF THE DEAD PILOT FOR TRAGEDY LEARNED ON THE INTERNET! Dad wasn’t supposed to work on Friday, he died on a day off


The only son of Major Dejan Krsnik, who died in a military plane crash along with Captain Zvonko Vasiljevic, told a friend that he learned of the accident on the news.

I read on the Internet, on the news, that the plane crashed. When the information came in that it was a MIG 21 military plane, I knew my dad was in it, but I was hoping it had catapulted and survived.

As Kurir learns, his friend the son of the eldest Dejan Krsnik (49), who died in a military plane crash in the village of Brasina near Mali Zvornik on Friday morning, together with his colleague Zvonko Vasiljevic, told him. (43), a captain of the first class. Let us remind you that the tragedy happened around 9.15am, and Krsnik and Vasiljevic took off from Batajnica airport to perform a regular flight task.

Receive condolences

The only son of Major Krsnik received his condolences with his mother yesterday in an apartment in Zemun. His friend says he told him what happened on the fateful day.

Evil game of fate: the injured civilian is the pilot of the course

The day after the unprecedented tragedy, sadness and disbelief reigned in the towns of Brasina and Donja Borina. Locals tearfully wonder if Captain Zvonko Vasiljevic, a native of Donja Borina, could almost die at the door. – The army and the police are still at the scene of the fall. Fate wanted them to die in their homeland, locals say. The fact that Brasina resident Vitomir Tanaskovic, who suffered burns when the “moment” fell, is flowing to pilot Vasiljevic, speaks of bad luck confusing his fingers. – He fell right next to his cousin Tanaskovic’s house. As far as I know, the father of Vasiljevic and the wife of the wounded are the first relatives – says the local. Vitomir’s wife, Milica, told Kurir yesterday that she did not visit her injured husband in hospital. – As far as we know, it’s fine. The plane did not fall in the courtyard, but in a field near us, and the husband was in front of the house – said Milica. The wounded Vitomir was admitted to the Loznica hospital, is in intensive care and has burns to his head, chest and arms.

– He told me that Dejan was supposed to be free on Friday, but they called him from work and asked him to come to the airport to fly with Vasiljevic. Dejan agreed to work on his day off as well, says a friend.

According to her, Dejan’s son waited until the last moment for his father to survive the accident.

– At first, nobody knew what was happening. Dejan’s son was called by friends, family, colleagues, they asked him how he was doing. A few hours later, he was told that he had died and had to tell his mother. He told me that the whole world collapsed on him, that at that moment he dropped the phone he was holding – says the interlocutor and continues:

Photo: Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia

– I asked him if he knew the cause of the tragedy, he told me that he did not know, that they had not been told anything yet and that the investigation would determine what happened. Krsnik’s friends and colleagues say that he was a great professional and that he went through all battlefields.

– The eldest was supposed to retire soon, this was one of his last assignments in the army. When he retired, he planned to continue working as a flight instructor at the Vršac pilot academy, which his son also attends. He went through all the battlefields, and also participated in the defense of the country in 1999 – says a friend.

Pain: instead of joy, burial

Zvonko Vasiljevic’s family was preparing for his own brother’s engagement. – Your brother recently came from Russia to celebrate. Now, instead of celebrating, a funeral awaits them – says the interlocutor, adding that Zvonko played soccer recreationally and that he was passionate about Partizan.

They were proud

Zemun’s neighbors also have nice words for him, stating that he was a great gentleman.- It is a wonderful and calm family, now it is left without pillar. Dejan’s son and wife should be proud – said the neighbor.

The Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin, the Chief of the General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, the Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense, Major General Duško Žarković, the Commander of the 204th Air Brigade, Colonel Brane Krnjajić, and colleagues from the unit they visited the families of the dead.

– The Air Force lost two first-rate pilots, experienced, good people, favorites of the team. They performed all tasks responsibly, loyal to their profession as an officer and to their people. They were part of our pride, is stated in the announcement of the ministry.

General Bilbija – There was a misunderstanding

Retired General Branko Bilbija explained as a guest on Kurir Television that only a pilot cannot be catapulted in MIG 21, which is a two-seater. – There was a misunderstanding regarding the transfer of information on catapult. All that matters is which driver makes the decision. They are both catapulted – said the general, adding that there is a possibility that such an intervention could be made to catapult the seat of one pilot and not the other. “However, the chances for that are slim, as in such a situation, one would have to be deliberately catapulted, which was not the case in this event,” said Bilbija.
