“The only possible option is for Serbia to be part of the EU”


The Vedic deputy ambassador in Belgrade, Joakim Vern, said today that the only option that exists is for Serbia to be part of the European Union.

Source: Tanjug

Illustration: Depositphotos / Fredex

Illustration: Depositphotos / Fredex

He added that the aim of the process is to improve the lives of Serbian citizens, and not to make the EU, Brussels or the Vedic happy.

The main objective of the accession and commitment of the Serbian government that it has to face is that better life, said Vern at the online conference on the occasion of the presentation of the European Commission (EC) report on Serbia for 2020, organized by the Permanent Conference of Towns and Municipalities. EU Delegation at the Factory.

The Deputy Ambassador said he wanted to see a new beginning, give the accession process much more life, improve and accelerate accession.

From the Scandinavian point of view, he added, the reconciliation process is very important, as well as strong neighbors, who seem stronger with each other, the Vedics would like to see in the Balkans as well.

The Secretary General of the Permanent Conference of Cities and Municipalities, Ðorde Stanii, affirmed that they, as an organization, were involved in the negotiation process in the three negotiating groups of Chapters 5, 22 and 27.

Stanii added that the SCTM has improved communication with the state bodies responsible for accession negotiations by advocating for the interests of local self-government in the field of the environment, social policy, justice, fundamental rights, employment, agriculture. , and who believe that participation should be improved. identified 21 relevant chapters for local self-government and local government.

According to him, there is a need to open a permanent dialogue and involve local decision makers in examining issues related to the EU accession process through regular exchange of information and consultations.

The head of the EU Delegation, Sam Fabrizi, who recalled in detail the European Commission report, the Zagreb and Sofia summits, IPA 3 program, said that one of the main economic plans of the EU for the Balkans is to improve the local economy affected by the coronavirus.

He also reminded Fabrizi that the EU, for the recovery of the economy, made a decision on aid to the Western Balkans worth nine billion euros in the form of subsidies.

“The economy is declining everywhere and that is why the EC is giving recommendations to all members to recover because of the measures they were forced to take, which had a negative impact on the economy,” Fabrizi said.
