The only measure that can possibly bring the result is CLOSE ALL


Tonight, Serbian Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar spoke about the new measures, the epidemiological situation in Serbia and the situation in hospitals.

At the beginning of the program “Thursdays at 9” on RTS, he asked “not to scare the citizens” since they “read grandiose headlines” every day, but “to talk about the facts.”

– The National Assembly is a mirror of the citizens. Our goal is to tell citizens the truth, whatever it is, they must know the truth whatever it is. To this day, we don’t know enough about the corona virus. These numbers have also been found to be directly proportional to our behavior at the time of the coronavirus. There is no other measure other than the “rate”, which will give the best result – said Loncar.

He recalled that the coronavirus entered families, so the only cure is to “avoid contacts.”

– You have a grandmother and grandfather who adhere to all measures. But they have grandchildren who don’t care, they go out, they don’t have any health problems. They all live in the same yard or in a house. They relax for a few minutes, approach their grandparents and ask them for pocket money without a mask. Then they transmit the virus to grandparents who end up in the hospital, with greater or lesser complications, explained how the infection occurs more frequently in families.

He stressed that there are places for all patients, but it is not known if it will be in Belgrade or somewhere else in Serbia.

– In this situation, someone saying that they will not leave Belgrade because they are from Belgrade, they did not allow it, but it also happens. This problem is created by people who are the heroes of this age, from doctors to cleaners.

When asked how far we are from the situation that there will be no place in any other city for hospitalization of patients, the Minister noted that it is up to us.

– There is no health system in the world that can resist infection from most of the country in a short time. And that’s what happens – Lončar stressed.

More than 2,300 sick health workers

Minister Lončar said that there are currently 2,340 sick health workers and, of that number, 62 are hospitalized.

– You cannot stop or ban life. We can only influence people to do what they need for themselves. For example, they limit the working hours of clubs and bars, they find a solution: they have parties and concerts before, and then even before. In the end, they work illegally, that is, they rent houses and organize parties there. We cannot influence those who organize it because it is in their head, but we want to influence the people who go to those places. If someone calls you, it doesn’t mean you should leave and it’s safe – he explained.

Photo: RTS / screenshot

The minister emphasized that the inspectors control day and night, but that they cannot control what happens in each house.

– I appeal to people not to allow us to be completely without a place in all hospitals. In the next few weeks, therefore, there is no contact. That is why we need unity, not debate – he stressed.

About new measures

Dr Predrag Kon said yesterday that the adoption of more restrictive measures was delayed and that the medical part of the Crisis Staff proposed new measures almost three weeks ago. Loncar said other countries also took stronger measures, but they did not produce results.

– Perhaps the only measure that can bring you any results is to close everything.

When asked how much time is left until full closure, Loncar said “not much” because “it is obvious that the new measures are little respected.”

– There is nothing safer than children who go to kindergarten and children in the lower grades in schools. They wear masks to school, wash their hands, and keep their distance. It is estimated if they will also connect, but in any case, whatever the decision is made, it will not harm the children or anyone at any time – he stressed.

According to him, the epidemiological curve will change when we change.

– When we see that the situation is serious, we understand it. Our people are smart, but also a bit laid back. This is the moment when we must be united at the level of the whole of Serbia. We must stop arguing about measures and start respecting them all.

Latecomers and “Unfaithful Tom”

He emphasized that there are two big problems: people do not call the doctor on time and there are people who believe that the crown does not exist.

– They believe that the crown was invented and that nothing can be done to them. And those same people are the most nervous when they come to the doctor and wait, then knock on the door, they make a living. We will not tolerate such a thing.

Photo: RTS / screenshot

The Minister also spoke about the new hospitals in Batajnica and Krusevac.

– 1,500 health workers, doctors and nurses are needed to work three shifts. We need about 900 doctors for the Krusevac hospital, which will be the base for southern Serbia, while Batajnica will be the base for Belgrade. We prepare people, we train them. It is an extremely difficult and complex process – said Dr. Loncar.

“We did everything we could”

The minister also spoke about the lack of respect for the measures at Patriarch Irinej’s funeral.

– The departure of the patriarch is a great loss for Serbia and the Serbian people. We made recommendations on how people should behave and then organized a quick test. We are all aware of the risk. That is what we could have done. Of course, there were a number of positives. We started with therapy, we started to follow the contacts. What could we do? Arrest someone. I don’t think we could have done that. Everything is very well organized and imagined, but people did not respect the measures – said Lončar.

About vaccination

The Health Minister also spoke about the corona virus vaccine and the vaccination of Serbian citizens.

– The state of Serbia, first of all President (Aleksandar) Vučić, has been dealing with Serbia receiving a corona virus vaccine for at least half a day. I closely follow what is happening in Germany. Germany does not have health homes and this elaborate system will vaccinate people at checkpoints. As far as Serbia is concerned, for every vaccine that is considered safe, we try to keep it in Serbia as soon as possible and make it available to the citizens. We will also make additional places where the vaccination will take place – he said.

When asked how much time must pass from the moment the vaccine is approved, until the process before the national drug agency.

– When they obtain a permit in their countries, we will also request it in our country, so that citizens can be vaccinated as soon as possible. So, we will monitor and verify with them in parallel.

“We cut all unnecessary contacts”

When asked if patients who do not have a crown suffer, Loncar says that those who need urgent medical attention are not waiting.

– In Serbia, cancer patients and emergencies must be taken care of, they are not waiting. All the other patients were forced to wait. If we care about having a healthy Serbia, healthy people, let’s stop arguing and focus on one thing: cutting off all unnecessary contacts. We have to try to help health workers to breathe. Let’s do our part: Minister Lončar withdrew.

Today, most people have died since the beginning of the epidemic.

Today, the highest number of deaths from the consequences of the coronavirus has been registered in Serbia since the beginning of the epidemic. 51 people died, and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić also spoke about the fact that today is the most difficult day. The record was broken again in the number of newly infected, 7,606 of them tested positive out of up to 21,569 people tested. There are 243 patients on ventilators in health institutions throughout Serbia.

The government has adopted new measures

Today, the Government of Serbia adopted new measures in the fight against the corona virus. Today’s session confirmed the Crisis Staff proposal for the fight against kovid-19, that students from all secondary schools, as well as older elementary students, from fifth to eighth grade, will move on to online classes as of Monday, November 30.

“In the period between November 30 and the start of winter break, on December 21, classes will be taught for students from fifth to eighth grade of primary school and for high school students. Winter break begins on December 21 December 2020 and ends on January 15, 2021 and will be valid for all primary and secondary students in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, “the decision reads.

VIDEO: Tiodorović: We move on to online classes
