“The objective is clear: increase the number of Serbs, reduce the number of Montenegrins. After the events …”


Podgorica – The census announced in Montenegro for next year is a new key issue for Montenegrin politicians, but also for historians.

Source: Tanjug

The people claimed that Serbia intends to increase the number of Serbs in the region and that Montenegro is practically in danger of extinction, wrote Antena M in a letter to Tanjug.

This is exactly the statement of the historian Milivoj Belin, who told Radio Antena M of Podgorica that “the question of Serbs in the region, and especially in Montenegro, has been the main issue in Serbia for the last year” and that Belgrade officially It will be, as he claims, very active as during the parliamentary elections with the aim of increasing the number of Serbs in Montenegro.

“I hope that Serbia will be very active when it comes to the census in Montenegro and not only in Montenegro, but also in the region … There is no secret – Vui, his ministers, Dodik, opposition leaders, media – regime and opposition, influential nationalist intellectuals, all focused on that list, “Belin said.

The goal, he says, is clear: to increase the number of Serbs, to reduce the number of Montenegrins.

In their favor, Belin is sure, there is the fact that they have already carried out that plan in Serbia, where, as he claims, from 1991 to 2011, the number of Montenegrins decreased tenfold. ”

He is convinced that the sequence of events is clear: increasing the number of Serbs in Montenegro, presenting Montenegro as a Serbian state and then including it in the project that is now called the “Serbian world”.

“Ultimately, the goal is to hide the statehood of Montenegro, so that Serbia has access to the sea,” Belin said.

For Belin, the RTCG portal reported, there is no doubt that the influence of Serbia, when it comes to this issue, will be significantly facilitated by the formation of a new government.

It is a government that, as he himself claims, is made up of election winners who are, above all, under the influence of the Belgrade authorities, the Serbian Orthodox Church and Amfilohije Radovia.

“Their goals are the same. It is not that there is no resistance to the influence of Serbia, but parts of that future government will be an ally of Serbia to pressure Montenegro during the preparation of the census,” said Belin, who is portrayed as a historian. Serbian.

According to him, the media will play a fundamental role and he affirms that this has been the case since the 1990s.

“The personal holders of power in Serbia have changed, but their objectives towards Montenegro remain the same. The media was just a press that should open a space for such a policy,” Belin said.

He also claims that the Montenegrin media is assisting this policy.

“Pro-Serbian and pro-Russian are, according to their regime, the fifth column within Montenegro itself, and they are a clear help for official Serbia,” Belin said.

He believes that the next census will be one from which there is no return, but believes that it may contribute to the negative development of events: the loss of statehood or the threat to identity.

“I do not think that this census is historical in that sense, that after it the sky falls headlong and that after it Montenegro or Montenegrin identity ceases to exist. I do not believe that it immediately causes a great earthquake, but that it could be a springboard towards the negative development of events, in the sense of losing Montenegrin state status or endangering identity, that is possible ”, affirms this historian.

Belin also says that the census itself would not be seen as the only one from which there is no return, but could “contribute to the negative development of events in the coming years and decades.”
