The nurses from “Pcelica” go to KC Nis, they say, nobody asked them anything


Due to the lack of staff in the Clinical Center in Nis, the nurses employed in the Preschool Institution “Pcelica” largely receive orders from their superiors in the kindergartens to communicate with the kovid hospitals where they will work with kovid-infected patients.

Such a decision was made by the city headquarters for emergency situations in Nis on November 27, and that same day, according to information from H1, some of the employees were already sent to a new task.

While the employees of the preschool institution claim that no one asked them anything, but only informed them about the new engagement, the management of “Pčelica” claims that they voluntarily requested.

“The order was forwarded to all the employees and almost all the nurses volunteered to show humanity this time as well. The number of children currently coming to nursery schools has been reduced, so the educational work with the children suffers nothing and it is done with reduced capacity “, they responded. They are in the management of the institution for preschool children in Nis.

The sisters H1 spoke to were outraged by the decision to go back to wearing spacesuits, like in April.

“And while everywhere, without problems or consequences, the prescribed measures to suppress the epidemic are being violated, the cars are breaking on us again in Nis. Among those who told them to leave, there are women with health problems. to send to do something because, in the first place, we are not trained. There they teach you how to put on a spacesuit safely, with some more instructions and how to work, “said some of the employees.

The Nis Emergency Situations Headquarters also says the order is for “Pcelica” to send “volunteers” to the Clinical Center.

“There are a lot of KC workers who are isolated or positive, so the help has nothing to do with the number of KC employees. Why nurses, we hope you understand, because otherwise Pčelica works with skills reduced due to fewer groups and children. “And we remind you that Mediana workers (cleaners) are also hired at the temporary hospital in Cair and that this is not unusual during a pandemic,” the headquarters told H1.

The institution has not yet responded to journalists’ statement that the nurses employed by “Pcelica” did not voluntarily report, but were told to call the Clinical Center that same day.

bee order
Source: H1
