The numbers will continue to rise and most of those infected are young.


At the moment, we have mostly young people between the ages of 20 and 40 among the patients. Objectively they are those who do not adhere to the recommended measures, cafes, parties, socialization …

However, when we look at the numbers, we see a moderation, because we currently do not have full hospitals, although we do have a higher influx of examinations at kovid clinics. Which certainly does not mean that in a week the situation will not be different, so let’s maintain this moderation and do our part, says Prof. Dr. Branislav Tiodorovic, epidemiologist of “Blic”, member of the Crisis Team for suppression of the Covid 19 infection.

Wearing masks and keeping your distance is mandatory in the fight against the epidemicPhoto: Nenad Pavlović / RAS Serbia

Wearing masks and keeping your distance is mandatory in the fight against the epidemic

As the epidemiologist also explains, young people who are mostly in circulation can be carriers of viruses, so it is important to comply with the measures and make sure to wear a mask in all places. With the cold days approaching, a large number of people stay indoors where the possibility of infection is high.

– A party, a musical event is enough for the numbers to explode. The guild cannot be paid by the infected, but it can be paid by the one from their environment who belongs to the risk group. Now we are in the third wave, it is fully expected that we will continue to have a jump in the number of positives, the number of patients, but what is currently a fact that seems a bit reassuring is that the number of positives is generally not accompanied by hospitalization . When we look at the number of hospitalizations and exams, anywhere, those numbers are really low. That’s a good trend for now, and we’ll see if it will take place because November and December are approaching, the cold weather will continue and staying indoors, explains Professor Tiodorović.

Pay special attention to companies and factories

According to epidemiologists, at this time special attention should be paid to labor organizations, that is, companies and factories with a large number of people circulating, which can easily spread the virus, considering that they work indoors.

– Now I appeal to large companies and factories. Since September, we have expanded the scope of the activities of the producers in which young people work. There you have the problem of transport, maintenance in production, distance, masks, respect for all measures, disinfection, now the workspace in which they remain must be safe. If the measures are not implemented in labor organizations, a problem may arise because they are people who come from different parts of families where three or four generations live, where the union can be paid by its older members. That is why I call on all labor organizations, companies and factories throughout Serbia to adhere absolutely to all the recommended measures, says Professor Tiodorović.

He also believes that we are really doing better, but that we have to think about how we will proceed.

– We must think that the health system is prepared at all times, although we have the most favorable situation in relation to anyone in Europe. We have young people now, but at the next peak we will have older patients, not because they do not adhere to the measures, but because they can be infected by the younger ones if they do not adhere to the measures. Otherwise, on the other hand, as a country we are surrounded by a very bad epidemiological situation of all the countries that surround us, which is also a great risk. Once again we wanted our border to be open, to have the possibility of communicating the movement of goods and people for economic reasons, and without the economy there is nothing. Let’s respect the measures, I keep repeating that, because it is necessary to work, go shopping, leave the house, but we must not forget about the virus – says the epidemiologist Tiodorović.

Remdesivir available today

After negotiations led by Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar and Dr. Goran Stevanović, from the end of March to the beginning of April, the drug “remdesivir” will be available to the citizens of Serbia from today. According to Professor Tiodorović, this drug has proven to be the most effective.

– Now a new drug “remdesivir” will be used, which has proven to be the most effective in treatment, and is used in most developed countries. It is a very expensive drug, it is a huge expense, but when it comes to human life, nothing else is important – concludes epidemiologist Prof. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović.

VIDEO: How the corona virus spreads while people sing
