The numbers are such that I would rather not say them


Zoran Baščarević says that he realizes that “people are not concentrating enough on the problem that is happening around us.”

“I notice your comments about how uncomfortable it is to wear a mask, they don’t like something, everyone is outside, moving. They may be bored, but this is a serious epidemic, the disease is serious,” Bascarevic said.

He noted that the virus is now spreading at an incredible speed, as well as through the population of young and healthy people.

“There is no way we can prevent that except to teach people that they have to live with a mask on their faces,” the doctor added.

He noted that he is concerned about the attitude of people who do not respect preventive measures.

“All my colleagues, nurses and everyone involved in treating patients, we are not intimidated, but we are very concerned mainly because people do not behave according to what we ask and pray: keep your distance, do not go to various celebrations ., not gathering in large groups, wearing masks, “emphasized Baščarević.

He does not see, as he said, that it applies as much as it should.

Dr. Bascarevic passed away a month ago He begged citizens to respect epidemiological measures so that the Institute of Orthopedics “Banjica” can function as an orthopedist, and now the citizens are praying again.

“I will not tire, I will beg you: wear masks, keep your distance, don’t go anywhere unnecessarily, sit in the house. Now is the time when you have to sit in the house,” Bascarevic warned.

“We hope that ‘Banjica’ does not have to re-enter the kovid system”

He points out that “Banjica” has been doing what he has to do for several months, orthopedics and traumatology, in addition to having a large number of patients.

“We have about 500 emergency examinations a week, about fifty emergency admissions a week and at least 30 operations for those patients. There are also 20 to 30 patients suffering from malignancies, not to mention all the other emergencies,” added the doctor.

“We prayed and asked people to allow us to do our job and for the benefit and health of all people in this country,” Bascarevic said.

He stressed that they strongly believe in it and that they hope not to have to re-enter the kovid system.

“Believe it or not, it is easier for a surgical institution to treat covid patients, than to deal with surgery, especially in epidemic circumstances. If we have to go to kovid, we will, but there are no such announcements yet,” he said Baščarević.

“We almost suspended orthopedic surgery”

When asked how many operations were postponed in “Banjica”, Baščarević said that the figures were such that he preferred not to say them. “I’ll just say a lot,” Bascarevic added.

“We do know that ‘Banjica’ performed 13,000 operations in 2019, of which about 3,000 artificial joints, and that this year a month ago we were in the 900th artificial joint, not to mention other operations. Not to mention the epidemic and for leaving the normal work system and entering kovid – we almost suspended orthopedic surgery, “said the doctor.

He noted that at this time only the most urgent cases are being worked on. “We work every day, we have nine operating rooms, we do at least 150 operations a week, sometimes two hundred. We manage to do everything we need, we can never recover what we lost,” added Bascarevic.

He emphasized that patients who are not infected with kovid suffer and there is a need for surgery. “They suffer in all surgeries, ‘Banjica’ is not the only one, the clinical-hospital centers are closing,” said Baščarević.

When asked how he feels when he leaves work and sees someone without a mask, he says that these are not pleasant scenes.

“When you enter the kovid system, and when you think that at that moment 300 of your people in spacesuits are working with seriously ill kovid patients, and the outside life goes on like nothing, it is unusual and not a pleasant sensation,” he concluded Baščarević.
