The numbers are perfectly clear, full support for the medical side of the crisis staff.


KC Kragujevac director Predrag Sazdanović tells RTS that the numbers are perfectly clear if 25 percent of those tested test positive every day.

“The number of infected among adolescents is the highest, we have hospitalized relatively young people, they carry out horizontal infections, they transmit the infection to parents, grandmothers, grandparents, and it is not uncommon to have entire families in hospitals”, Sazdanović points out.

Goran Vesić
Crisis headquarters

It adds that 203 patients are currently hospitalized at the Kragujevac Clinical Center, a quarter of whom are in intensive care.

“A huge burden on our system, our intensivists and the entire system are overloaded, various forms of problems are emerging that we are successfully solving,” says Sazdanović.

When it comes to the request from the medical side of the crisis staff to introduce a state of emergency and curfew, Sazdanović says he gives them his full support. He adds that the economy must work, but one should wonder whether cafes and restaurants can generate enough income to meet the treatment needs of patients.

“The solution is personal responsibility, masks, distance, beware of risky behaviors and vaccination with any vaccine,” emphasizes Sazdanović for RTS.

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