The number of views has tripled in recent days.


Due to the unstable epidemic situation and the tripled number of examinations in recent days, an emergency situation has been introduced in the territory of the Municipality of Bajina Basta.

Due to the increase in the number of examinations and the daily increase in the number of positives for kovid-19, the hospital at the Health Center yesterday became a temporary kovid hospital, where six kovid patients stayed until noon, said the acting director of the Health Center Dr. Dusica Jovanovic.

“The gynecology area has been converted into an outpatient clinic where the citizens’ PCR and antigen tests will be performed, and the gynecology itself has been moved to the physical medicine ward,” said Dr. Jovanović.

He pointed out that the number of positives for the coronavirus daily is around 35, which is between 50 and 70 percent positive, and that it is, as he said, the highest number of confirmed cases since the beginning of the epidemic.

According to her, in the last seven days alone, from November 23 to 30, 728 examinations were carried out in Kovid’s ambulance, of which 416 were the first examinations, reports Glas Zapadne Srbije.

Jovanovic adds that the reason for the worsening of the epidemiological situation is irresponsible behavior and failure to comply with measures, first of all contacts.

“People come together both at celebrations and elsewhere for other reasons, without respecting physical distance. To what extent we as health workers will endure it, time will show,” says Jovanović.

Currently, there are 208 people in isolation who are positive for kovid or have been in contact with people in whom the presence of infection has been confirmed.

There are currently 10 patients in Uzice hospital.

An additional problem, as Dr. Jovanović said, is the sick medical staff, as well as the three medical workers sent to help at the kovid hospital in Užice.

Currently, seven medical workers test positive for the corona virus, one of whom is a doctor.


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Author: delivery courier
