The number of newly infected people is growing everywhere, just DECREASING


Finland already has the fewest new coronavirus infections in the European Union, and the number continues to decline. At least for now, this country is keeping the virus under control, in addition, it does not have as many economic problems as other European countries. How does it work?

In the last two weeks, the average number of newly infected people in Finland was 45.7 per 100,000 inhabitants, less than in any other European country, and in the first wave that number was even less than 30.

The number of deaths in the Nordic country is also relatively low: since the start of the pandemic, 362 people have died “from the virus” and “with it”, while, for example, in Germany, 11,372 people died in it. period.

One of the reasons the difference is so great lies in the relatively sparse population and the absence of large urban areas, making it difficult for the virus to spread.

Furthermore, the Finns behaved very responsibly during the pandemic. Confidence in the government’s measures and recommendations is high and the authorities depend mainly on the personal responsibility of citizens.

In late September, testing of dogs that can smell the corona virus began at Helsinki airport.Photography: Mauri Ratilainen / EPA;

In late September, testing of dogs that can smell the corona virus began at Helsinki airport.

There was almost no resistance to the measures or riots. The government reacted quickly in the spring and introduced a two-month quarantine, after which the Finns returned to normal life.

The Finnish contact testing and tracking system is considered very efficient: 2.5 out of 5.5 million Finns have installed the “Corona Flash” app, reports “Hamburger morgenpost”.

Finally, a high degree of digitization also contributes to the suppression of the pandemic. The majority of employees work from home, so the consequences for the economy are much less than in many other European countries.
