The number of newly infected patients, 1 deceased, 35 with respirators is decreasing


In the last 24 hours, 7,976 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of which 58 tested positive.

Unfortunately, one person passed away. There are 35 patients on ventilators in hospitals across Serbia.

A total of 32,136 confirmed cases of kovid 19 were registered in the Republic of Serbia at 3 pm on September 10, 2020. So far, a total of 1,009,401 people who met the criteria to define the case have undergone tests for coronavirus in Serbia.

The total number of deaths is 729.

photo: AMG

13.40 – 7 hospitalized in Novi Pazar

According to the data presented today to the Emergency Situations Headquarters by the Kovid Novi Pazar Regional Center, the Health Center and the Institute of Public Health, there are a total of 7 hospitalized patients (Kovid – red zone). There were no new admissions and one patient was discharged. The total number of examinations in the Kovid ambulance of the Novi Pazar Health Center is 73 (46 first and 27 control examinations).

11.52 – Loncar: Less than 400 hospitalized after a long time

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar says that today, after a long time, the number of kovid 19 patients in hospital will drop below 400 patients.

10.15 – Jablanica District: In the last 24 hours, three people infected

In the last 24 hours, three new cases of coronavirus infection were registered in the territory of the Jablanica district, of which two were recently infected in the territory of the Vlasotince municipality and one in Leskovac. As indicated in the announcement of the Leskovac Public Health Institute, in the last 24 hours 71 results arrived from the laboratory “Vatreno oko” and the “Institute of Public Health” in Nis, of which 41 for the city of Leskovac, and three results with positive result. These are two people from the territory of the municipality of Vlasotince and one from the territory of Leskovac, it is stated and adds that an employee, an unemployed person and a pensioner are infected with the corona virus.

9.55- At the Vranje Health Center, 16 patients have a crown

In the three kovid hospitals in Vranje, according to this morning’s data, the total number of patients is 26, of which 16 are positive for the coronavirus. There are no children among those hospitalized, the current number of vacancies is 154, and six patients have been discharged for home treatment, it was posted on the city’s website. During the day yesterday, 81 examinations were carried out in the Vranje kovid ATD ambulance, of which 42 first and 39 control examinations.

8.52 – Mišović doctors do not rest: they have 70 patients

At KBC Dragiša Mišović’s kovid hospital, the patients are mostly older than 70 years, but there is also a 22-year-old who is in a very serious condition. Doctors are concerned and hope to be able to return to regular work soon, as conditions allow, said Dr. Predrag Savić, deputy director of that institution.


The World Health Organization states on its official website that the virus begins with a fever, followed by a dry cough, and after a week causes shortness of breath, and then patients need hospital treatment. Some of the symptoms that are also listed are headache, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath.

Regarding temperature, the WHO states that there is usually a gradual increase in body temperature. In people with weaker immunity, in older people and young children, there is a possibility that this virus can affect the lower respiratory organs, which is why pneumonia or bronchitis can develop.

Make sure you take precautions

* Avoid contact with people who show signs of respiratory infection (cough, sneeze, runny nose, fever);

* Avoid massive meetings and stays in a space where there are a large number of people;

* Increase hand hygiene (wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or if this is not possible, use alcoholic gels to disinfect hands, especially after contact with sick people or staying in a potentially dangerous area;

* It is recommended to wear masks before the mouth and nose if staying in an area where there are massive concentrations;

* It is mandatory to adhere to protective measures against the transmission of infection in all people who feel the symptoms of a respiratory infection.

* Avoid contact with live or dead domestic or wild animals.


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