The number of hospitalized grows, appealing to citizens to wear masks



The kindergarten in Aleksandrovac is closed as of today.

The children’s institution “Nasa radost” in Aleksandrovac will not work from today, because a worker employed in the kitchen tests positive for coronavirus.

All the children are fine for now, and the Krusevac Public Health Institute’s recommendation was made as a precaution.

Until further notice, the admission of children to kindergartens in the core of the municipality, where 425 children are housed, is suspended.

The kindergartens work in the peripheral rural classes, where there are about 180 children.

In the last 15 days, 70 new infected people have been registered in Aleksandrovac.


Jovanovic for RTS: The mission of the whole society is to maintain prevention

The director of “Batuta”, Verica Jovanović, told RTS that the crisis staff will continue to propose the most urgent measures according to the situation of the epidemic.

“We will coordinate the activities that each sector must carry out to prevent contact between people in order to prevent the transmission of the virus. We have the opportunity to see in the region examples of a strong jump in the number of infected, increase in mortality. prevention and cutting the transmission of the virus through communication, “said Jovanovic.

It points out that this virus only survives in the human population, and if we do not apply measures, we will not be able to stop the transmission of the virus.

“Our mission is common and we must all work towards it”, emphasized the director of “Trampoline”.

Day by day, the mask is more and more accepted among both the youth and the working population, when we keep the mask and keep our distance, it means that we believe in the way to suppress the spread of kovid 19.

He noted that the measures at the school are working well and added that for now there are no plans to close schools. “If there is a deterioration, all measures will be applied,” added Jovanovic.

He stated that around 15 percent of patients are being treated in hospitals, noting that the new covid hospitals in Batajnica and Krusevac will triple the capacity to treat positive covid.


39 patients on a ventilator

According to the most recent information, 768 people were hospitalized in Serbia and 39 patients use respirators.

He points out that the “Stark Arena” temporary hospital received the first patients and points out that respecting the measures is a matter of personal responsibility.

The director of the World Health Organization in Serbia, Marijan Ivanuša, says that a large number of patients are registered in Serbia and that the situation is serious. It says that such deteriorations must be stopped as soon as possible, because countries that have not done so face great challenges.
