The NGO estimates that we are not moving towards the EU, the minister accused them of not wanting reforms


Serbia is not making progress on the path to the European Union and there is little chance that it will succeed in becoming a member of the EU by 2025, according to the EU National Convention. On the other hand, the Minister of European Integration accuses civil society of not wanting to see reforms in Serbia and of making political statements.

Natasa Dragojlovic, from the National Convention on the EU, assessed that Serbia is increasingly far from meeting the criteria for membership.

“If the criteria remain the same, in addition to meeting the economic criteria and the political and rule of law criteria, Serbia will not only stagnate, but, in the opinion of many civil society organizations, it will unfortunately regress. Obstacles to Serbia’s European integration are the rule of law and political criteria, lack of administrative capacity and lack of political will to implement changes consistently, “said Dragojlovic.

On the other hand, the Minister of European Integration, Jadranka Joksimović, does not share the opinions of civil organizations and accuses them.

“It is good to see that you are sharper than the conclusions of the European commissions and ambassadors representing the EU and the countries that hold the presidency of the Council of the European Union. This shows that there is a sharpness in the National Convention that is almost political society and what civil society organizations should have, a balanced relationship, which would include civil society, which has completely different points of view, “said Joksimovic.
