“The next two weekends will be closing”


Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorovi says that all facilities will be closed for the weekend, except for pharmacies, grocery stores, food delivery and gas stations.

Source: B92



He said that the next two weekends would be organized like this, that is, until December 15.

“We are not asking for three months, we are asking for it to last at least until December 15, so we will evaluate if we will continue like this or will have good effects and we will be able to mitigate. We will have to organize two weekends that way we reduce contacts” he told RTS.

“I would not use the term lockdown. This is not a state of emergency, but a limited working time,” he explained.

Tiodorovi said that everything would be closed from 5 in the afternoon until Monday.

“I personally was in favor of closing it earlier, we would not have Black Friday. I think that is the measure that should have been applied earlier,” Tiodorovi said.

He added that some people could use not working during the weekend and being able to rest.

“It is important to reduce contacts, reduce pressure on hospitals. The hero maintains the health system and continues to function. He is trying to deploy his forces and patients, but we must reduce the pressure to save human lives,” he said.

He added that there was no talk of a police ace or a state of emergency.

“I hope the government will adopt it on Thursday. We have exited the markets, although we know there is a greater risk. The markets will be open for up to 15 hours during the weekend,” he said.

You can follow the news about the coronavirus situation in Serbia minute by minute HERE.

The explanation is that children up to 10 years old go to school, while others do not

Theodore responds that now it is not the same as in March, when all the students were in online classes.

“We are completely clear that children under 10 years of age do not have the AC-2 receptor necessary for the virus to bind to the cell, which is a very important piece of information. This recommendation was given by the WHO that children should go to school and that children of that age are safe. “Only those with asthma. That is the attitude of pediatricians. It was not said because ‘there is no one to take care of the children,’ “Tiodorovi said.

Education Minister Branko Rui said tonight that he had contracted the coronavirus in Serbia. 126 children in preschool institutions, 2,321 students in primary schools and 2,151 secondary school students.

Rui claimed that 1,357 employees were infected in preschool institutions, 2,882 in primary schools, while 1,164 workers were infected in secondary schools.

“There is no reason to panic and provoke the psychosis of accepting that tens of thousands of students and employees are infected,” Rui stressed.

Speaking about the transition to online classes, Rui said the transition was “pretty good.”

For holidays, measures to enter the country

Tiodorovi said that before the next holiday, we will have to introduce measures for Serbian citizens coming from abroad.

“PC-obligator, who did not come with the test, must be quarantined for 10 days,” said the Crisis tab member.

He said that with the iron discipline we can enter the new year more stable, and with the arrival of the vaccine and the increase in herd immunity, we will have a controlled situation in the spring.
