THE NERVOUS AMONG LONDON CITIZENS IS GREAT: Joksimović also revealed the Serbs’ plans for the holidays about the situation with the new crown strain.


Jokcimović told TV Prva that when the news broke about the new strain of the corona virus spreading in Britain on Saturday night, there was a stampede towards the London train station.

He claimed that London and the belt to Dover were the hardest hit by the tough new measures.

More than 40 countries have decided to suspend air traffic with Britain, and the British were hit the hardest by the closure of the Calais crossing on the French side, which caused crowds and waits for trucks with goods, says Joksimović.

He stated that the reactions of the citizens of Britain are divided and that some believe the measures are excessive and others that they were introduced too late.

The measures are aimed at reducing the number of infected people as soon as possible, and at the press conference, one of the British government’s scientific advisers said that these measures would be tightened after Christmas and were expected to last for several months, Joksimovic said. .

In London, all but grocery stores are closed, and huge fines, ranging from £ 200 to £ 10,000, are imposed for non-compliance, imposed on locals violating the measures or citizens hosting private parties.

Joksimovih said that the nervousness among citizens is great, if it happens that someone approaches someone within two meters or if they enter the store without a mask.

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