“The NBA changed the rules just to make Jordan the best”


From episode to episode, the documentary “The Last Dance” brings us interesting anecdotes of the dominance of the Chicago Bulls.

MTSource: B92

Photo by Ezra Shaw / Getty Images

Photo by Ezra Shaw / Getty Images

One of the biggest rivals in the early 1990s was the Detroit Pistons, played by legendary running back Isaiah Thomas.

It was Thomas who recalled one of the anecdotes that included another legend, Wilt Chamberlain, the only man to score 100 points in the NBA in a live game with the Fox reporter.

Chamberlain once approached Jordan and said: “In my time, they changed the rules so that I didn’t dominate anymore, and then they changed them again so that you could be the best.”

Specifically, the NBA did not once force free throw contractors to stay behind the line until the ball touched the ring.

However, due to the dominant athletic chamberlain, who gently grabbed his flaws and converted them into points, there was a change in the rules, so players should not be allowed to jump until the ball touches the hoop.
