THE MYSTERY OF OSEČINA’S RASPBERRY LIQUIDATION A prominent Novi Sad resident shot him while they were talking, and it is being investigated if a TRIANGLE OF LOVE is behind it all


Radovan S. (55) from Novi Sad, accused of the murder of Milovan Marinkovic (52) on Sunday in Gunjaci near Osecina, has been placed in pre-trial detention and the motive for the crime is being investigated, either for adultery or for having persecuted to the suspect’s wife.

Suspect Radovan S. was taken yesterday to the Valjevo Superior Prosecutor’s Office for questioning and, as we have learned, he defended himself in silence. After that, the prosecutor on duty proposed to the investigating judge that he order the arrest of the suspect for three reasons: influencing witnesses, trying to escape, and disturbing the public.

While the suspect is in custody, all the circumstances of the crime in Gunjaci are being determined, whose main actors are men, respected in their professions, without blemishes in their careers, much less in criminal records.

At first, jealousy was mentioned, allegedly that the victim, otherwise a famous raspberry grower in the Osijek area, was in an emotional relationship with his wife Radovan S., who, like her husband, has a career world-class and is appreciated for her work. Check if they were really in an adulterous relationship or if the victim was obsessed with the suspect’s wife.

– In order to really determine what were the relationships between the murdered man, the suspect, but also the wife of the detainee, the phones of the three were taken and their content examined. But also computers. Who sent messages to whom, the ordinary ones, but also on social networks. What were those messages like? Sexual, disturbing, threatening. In addition, it is being verified what the wife of the murdered, who was in the house at the time of the crime, knew about the alleged relationship between her husband and the suspect’s wife – “Blic” finds out from a source close to the investigation .

What is known so far is that the suspect lives with his wife in Novi Sad and that the daughter of the murdered Marinković is studying in “Serbian Athens”. Whether the members of these two families had direct contacts and, in general, how they “connected” will be determined in further investigation. So far, there is no confirmation that any of the people related to this murder have approached the police, but that will also be verified.

Marinkovic was killed on Sunday around 10:30 am at his home in the town of Gunjaci near Osecina. At that time, his wife and mother were in the house. Before the crime, the suspect allegedly drove from Novi Sad and met Marinković’s wife in front of the house.

The media wrote that he asked her if it was Marinković’s house, and she, suspecting nothing, said yes and called Milovan, telling him that a man was looking for him. Radovan and Milovan allegedly talked for a while in the basement, and then shots rang out.

Radovan S. is suspected of firing two shots at Marinković with a pistol, taking Novi Sad from him and killing him. After that, he sat in his “Nissan” and drove out of town, and his mother and wife went down to the basement and found Marinkovic dead.

Radovan S. was arrested and detained in Osecina. He calmly surrendered.

The victim was buried in the local cemetery.

While the suspect awaited the judge’s decision on the preliminary arrest procedure, Marinković was buried in the Gunjaci town cemetery. In addition to his family, many residents of this town near Osecina said goodbye to him.

Gunjac’s acquaintances have only words of praise for Milovan, stating that he was a hardworking man, a true host.

– Milovan was engaged in agriculture, he grew raspberries and blackberries. It also had a refrigerator. They worked as a family in that business, his wife is an accountant in a family business – said the neighbors.

Interlocutors from “Blic” stated that they did not know that Radovan had a mistress.

– We saw him as an exemplary farmer and we were not interested in his private life – pointed out the acquaintances of the murdered man.
