“The murdered man moved to Belgrade, he was often in the countryside with drug addicts”



07.09.2020. 22:05

Banjica is still in shock after everything that happened last weekend in this settlement.

Banjica assassination

Murder in Banjica, Photo: Hello! / Masanori Yoshida

First there was a murder and injuries, and then there was the launch of Molotov cocktails and an attempt to set fire to the flower shop. However, as the father of the brothers who were arrested for the murder revealed in a public speech, the conflict between the two parties has been going on for a long time.

However, there are still various speculations and versions of who started the conflict for the first time, either killed with the murderers, or vice versa, in general, both sides were attacked.

After the police arrested Petra R. (34), Uroš R. (24) and Radovan R. (37), for crimes in Banjica, the victim’s colleagues set fire to two of their bars.

The brothers Petar, Uroš and Radovan R., suspected of the murder of Filip Lepojević (18) and the wounds of A. Đ. (21) on Oslovođenja Boulevard in Banjica in Belgrade, they allegedly waited for young people the day before yesterday to take revenge for their injuries.

The arrested brothers and the murdered young man are suspected of having a confrontation in Voždovac about ten days ago, when one of the brothers was stabbed in a fight.

However, there are still various speculations and versions of who started the conflict first, either killed with assassins, or vice versa, in general, both sides were attacked …

The murderers, dead and wounded were in conflict

– There is a story that Lepojević and A.Đ. FC Rad fans, but also drug dealers. Apparently his team took on the suspicious brothers. Two teams allegedly fought and then one of the brothers was injured – says the source.

As the source also claimed, the brothers are supposed to have intercepted Lepojević and his friends as revenge on Saturday.

– It is suspected that they “damaged” the path to the “post” where the youths were. Then two men with ghosts ran out of the bushes and ordered Philip out. One hit him on the head with a pistol and then shot, and then the other shot A. Đ. – The source declared.

Sadly, the conflict did not end with Lepojevic’s murder, as within hours after the shooting, Molotov cocktails were thrown at the Banjica flower shop and grocery store, belonging to the suspects.

– The flower shop is owned by the suspects’ sister, while the grocery store is owned by the arrested Petar R. It is suspected that the bars were destroyed in retaliation for the murder and injuries – explained the source.

“We could have suffocated”

The owner of the bar where the arrested man’s sister has a flower shop said her son woke her up about an hour after midnight and told her the bar was on fire.

– It was terrible, we could all suffocate – says an annoyed woman, who lives in another part of the house where the flower shop is.

– I think there were three of them, they broke the glass in the front door with a flowerpot and threw a Molotov cocktail on it. The girl rented the space in August, I don’t know what her brothers are doing, but she and her boyfriend are wonderful – said the owner of the bar.

“He was stubborn”

Friend of the murdered young man, yesterday they said goodbye to him on social networks.

– The meeting in the field will be the day of the funeral, three hours before. Everyone should come fire their little brother like she deserved, they wrote on Instagram.

His acquaintances say that the murdered man moved to Belgrade from another city and that he had his own circle of friends.

– He was stubborn and troublesome, the police stopped him often. Earlier, he went to the schoolyard and stayed in the part where local drug addicts gather, said one of Filip’s classmates.

Promotvini MUP spot

Promotvini MUP spot, Photo: Youtube Printscreen

As has already been written, the victims of the shooting are known to the police.

– Filip and A. Đ. They were also arrested as minors, for violent behavior, connections with narcotics, obstruction of an official, but also robbery. Unfortunately, the boys, although they are barely old, have a complete file, and it is suspected that they sold marijuana in small quantities – says the interlocutor of the investigation.

Acquaintances of the detained brothers say they withdrew from the stands and began a peaceful life.

– They used to be fans. but lately they have started to get involved in private legal matters. As far as we know, they did not create problems, they dedicated themselves to humanitarian work – says an acquaintance.

The father of the detainees reacted

The father of the arrested man, Ranko R., says that his sons were attacked a few days ago in a Banjica cafe, one of whom was stabbed over the head by a mug and the other six stabbed with a knife.

– While they were in the hospital, the team that attacked them terrorized their friends and asked for the direction of my children to kill them – said the father.

The father pointed out that this shooting was just a combination of circumstances that his children were in and that they did not intend to commit any crime.

– On the fateful day, my eldest son took his brothers to the dressing room. While looking for a parking lot on the way home, they were suddenly attacked by armed people, where there was a contact that unfortunately ended fatally for the attackers. Fearing a new attack, my children moved away and informed the police about the event and the place where they are – said the father.
