THE MURDER THAT DIVIDED SERBIA Two years have passed since GRANDMA COKA with a cold-blooded verdict of three shots to the investor (VIDEO)


Two years have passed since the murder that divided Serbia: a pensioner from Belgrade, Stojanka Stojanović, named Coka, sentenced investor Zoran Trifunović to shoot in the middle of the street, because he was allegedly the victim of his blackmail. This case polarized the public in Serbia, and security cameras recorded the cold-blooded shooting of retired Coke.

The murder for which pensioner Coki is still being prosecuted took place in early September 2018 on King Alexander Boulevard in Zvezdara. Coka approached the investor on the street, took out a CZ99 pistol from the ceger that he was carrying hanging from his arm and shot Trifunović.

When he fell to the ground, the pensioner Coka “certified” him with two more bullets, one in the torso and one in the head.

It didn’t take long for the police to roll the dice in this case and check the video surveillance footage, so only hours later they found themselves at Coka’s door.

She opened the door for them in cold blood and said that she did not know what it was about and why they had come, and that she had been asleep until that moment. A search of the house where he lived found a weapon used in the murder, for which Coki was handcuffed. She was immediately tested for the so-called paraffin glove, which unequivocally determined that Stojanka fired with a weapon.

Although she admitted in police questioning that she killed Trifunović because he blackmailed her into selling him the land on which her house is located, so that she could build a building, she defended herself by remaining silent at the impeachment hearing.

Do not investigate

The High Court returned the indictment to the prosecution in 2019, after it was concluded that the investigation had failed in ballistics expertise. It was ordered that these deficiencies be eliminated, so on March 5 the Prosecutor’s Office completed all the actions ordered by the court and filed a new accusation. However, it was also challenged by the Court of Appeals.

twoPhoto: V. Lalic / RAS Serbia


On that occasion, the Court of Appeals adopted the resources of the defense attorneys, who indicate that, in the decision of first instance of the Superior Court, two different and contradictory conclusions and opinions related to the same fact were cited and analyzed, namely , the assessment of the capacity of the accused.

In other words, one group of experts considered that she was crazy and that she could not be judged for that, while the other evaluated that she was procedurally capable.

In October last year, it was confirmed to “Blic” that a new amended indictment against Stojanka Stojanović was sent to court.

He welcomed the trial with a nanogic

The pensioner was released on August 31, 2019 pending trial with electronic surveillance.

As his son Marko told the Belgrade media at the time, he had nightmares at night and during his stay in detention he experienced numerous inconveniences, including a hip fracture, a blow from another detainee and an operation. For all this, he raised his hand to himself.

– She survived everything and anything. She was the oldest among the women in custody. With her were women of different profiles. She couldn’t handle it. It took her a long time to endure the entire detention, as evidenced by the fact that she tried to cut her wrists. Only one of the brutalities he survived was a punch from a prisoner. She suffered a concussion from that blow. She often fell there due to bad pressure. She broke her arm once and her hip the other. Her hip was operated on at the Military Medical Academy, Marko explains.

Scammer victim with criminal charges

The Belgrade media was quick to reveal that Zoran Trifunović, a construction investor from Jagodina who moved to the capital with his family, was already known to the police.

He had an office near the place where he was killed, and various proceedings were carried out against him in Belgrade, but also in other cities in Serbia: falsification of documents, construction without a building permit, coercion, extortion. However, he was never convicted of these events.

“The truth for Coku”

Despite the fact that in this case the pensioner was blamed for a serious crime, her fate, more precisely the fight with the investor who allegedly intercepted her and persuaded her to sell him land to build a building, led many to see the pensioner as a victim.

The fact that she decided to take the law into her own hands and judge her was seen by many as a heroic act, which is why they won the street name plates of Zvezdara with stickers that read: “Street of the hero of the Stojanka Coka people Stojanović “.

Graffiti calling for justice for this lady could also be seen in Belgrade.
