23.12.2020. 19:06 – 23.12.2020. 19:11
This is not the time for the big Christmas gatherings that we are used to.

Belgrade, crown, crowd, Photo: Alo.rs.
The Belgrade City Institute of Public Health (GZJZ) advises how celebrate the next holiday.
Pandemic coronary virus It can probably be classified as one of the most stressful periods in the lives of many people on the entire planet.
The fact that the more or less extraordinary regime of our life has lasted almost a whole year, and its end is not yet in sight, prolonging the uncertainty that is already difficult to overcome, seems to constantly maintain or increase the level of stress that overwhelms us all .
Where will you celebrate the new year?
Total number of votes: 53
- At home with the family: 89% (47)
- In a rented country house with friends: 0% (0)
- I travel abroad: 0% (0)
- I hope there are still receptions organized: 0% (0)
- I will work for the New Year: 11% (6)
This year we have skipped many things, we have postponed them, many beautiful things, which under normal circumstances is a counterweight to our life problems and daily obligations, we have consciously surrendered. Our lives have been spent for months in a confined setting and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find ways to achieve a sense of calm and satisfaction.
Concerned about the virus that is ravaging the entire planet, we have entered another Christmas season. Family celebrations have been considerably reduced and only the main and most massive winter holidays and festivities are coming.
We are used to waiting for these important days weeks in advance, to orienting our plans, even life decisions towards them, we are used to them bringing us together and making our winter days warmer and happier. Vacations are a direct association with time spent together with family and friends and, for many, with larger gatherings and trips.

Vakcina, korona, Photo: AP Photo / Frank Augstein
Still, being rational and thoughtful, even when it comes to the holidays, is now literally vital. That’s why the City Institute for Public Health Belgrade (GZJZ) advises how to safely celebrate the upcoming holidays:
– First of all, uncompromisingly avoid all the larger gatherings and celebrations indoors. You have an undeniable reason for that: in our country, as in many others, gatherings of more than 5 people inside are officially prohibited!
– Avoid even the crowds in the open air: street bazaars, fairs, sales and all kinds of vacations in the squares, parks … If you still need to at least feel the spirit of the holidays in this way, try to always keep the recommended physical distance 2 meters in relation to others, and if you feel that this is not possible, be sure to wear a mask!
– If, guided by your old habits, you are thinking of traveling somewhere and thus take advantage of the holidays, you should know that it undoubtedly increases the chances of infecting yourself, but also that, if you are an asymptomatic carrier, you can spread the virus in a way easier and faster. At this time, however, it is wiser and more responsible, towards oneself and others, to postpone all unnecessary trips.
– It is the least risky to spend important dates on state and religious calendars in the safest possible place: at home, with those with whom you otherwise share an apartment or house in which you live. These can be close family members, but also other people with whom you may not be related, but who share the same living space. Joining people who come from another home or place, even when they are family members (for example, students who go to their parents’ houses from the university centers where they normally live during the holidays), already represents a potential risk of spread of the new coronavirus.
We all feel the same: we need a dose of relief and little joys like never before. There is a great desire to rest, at least for a short time, from life in the grip of greater vigilance and to enjoy the enjoyment, as in the past.
However, our vacation plans this year need to be changed and put in place to prevent the spread of the Kovid 19 pandemic. The biggest challenge, the most responsible task, but also the most valuable gift this year is! preserve health! To me, to my relatives, relatives and friends, but also to my colleagues, to all our fellow citizens and compatriots.
The holidays are there to attract the spirit of freedom. But they will be back soon, in the next few years. The important thing is that we wait for you next time, as it should be, all together!, Concludes the announcement of the Municipal Institute of Public Health of Belgrade.