THE MOTHER SAW HER DAUGHTER JUMP FROM THE 10TH FLOOR! Girl running away from hell in the apartment (ANNOYING VIDEO)


A girl (15) was injured in a fire that broke out around 1 pm today in an apartment on the 10th floor of a building on Visokog Stevana street in Dorcol, Belgrade. She was saved from certain death by the Pancevo painters, who accidentally saw the apartment on fire and heard the girl calling for help from the terrace.

As we unofficially discovered, the flame in the apartment was caused by a celebratory candle.

Celebrate Good Friday

– The minor lives with his family and as they were celebrating the glory, they lit a candle, according to custom. The mother went to the store and the girl went to the bathroom. Just at that moment, the candle fell on the table and first caught the tablecloth. The fire quickly spread to the furniture and engulfed the entire apartment, says the source and continues:

– When she noticed the smoke, the teenager came out of the bathroom, but the apartment was in smoke and the fire was burning. Terrified, she ran to the terrace and started calling for help.

Photo: Tanjug Video

The fire was first noticed by painters, who were working on the facade of a nearby building. They immediately organized to help the captured and defenseless girl.

Pavle Gavura (36), Lazar Ereša (30), Nemanja Držajić (20), Nenad Janković (19) and Niko David (30), the heroes who saved the teenager from the flames, recounted the drama for Kurir.


The apartment of the composer’s sister According to the neighbors, the girl and her parents rent the apartment, and the owner is the composer’s sister, Sasa Milosevic Maret. – The teenager has been living there for a year as a tenant, and the owner is Maret’s sister. We saw him here too, he was shaking – said the neighbors.

– A colleague yelled: “Come on, quick, fire!” We almost got off the scaffolding on our breath and ran to the 10th floor to the apartment door. We tried to break down the door, but we couldn’t, so we went down to the neighbor. We go out onto the terrace, which is just below the burning terrace. We climb Paul on the fence and tie him with a rope, because he is the most agile, they say aloud and continue:

– The girl walked on the terrace and cried. Paul called her and told her to go to the other end of the terrace, because it was in the part where the smoke was thickest and the flames were open. Trust me, it looked like he was going to jump away from the fire at any moment.

Photo: Tanjug Video

Took her in his arms

Pavle Gavura says he talked to the younger boy all the time.

– I convinced her to trust me, to hug her. Somehow she jumped the fence, fell, and I caught her in my arms. She cried all the time: “Please save me, I’ll burn!” I saw that he had burns, he said everything hurt I tried to calm her down and explain that she was safe – says Gavura and adds that the most important thing for them now is that the girl is well.

– If I hadn’t saved her, I don’t know how I would have lived alone. My greatest wish is that he recovers as soon as possible – says Pavle.

Neighbor: Mother saw the rescue and cried

A neighbor, who witnessed the dramatic rescue of the teenager, says he heard a woman scream. – I ran to the building and called the neighbors to come out. Then five young men ran into the building. Then I saw the girl’s mother in front of the building. As they rescued her, she yelled at her daughter to hold her hair back so the flames wouldn’t catch her, to lie down, to hold on. It was terrible, the woman was crying. We all had spasms – says the neighbor.

The injured girl was admitted to the hospital and has first degree burns, in addition to inhaling smoke. Within hours, firefighters managed to put out the fire, which spread to the upper floor and damaged the roof of the building. The president of the municipality of Stari Grad, Radoslav Marjanović, said yesterday that the municipality would help repair the damage.
