The mother of the murdered Nemanja’s girl on the details of the BLOODY crime near Gadžin Han


– My daughter is very shocked, she cries all the time. She came out of the hospital, her physical condition is good, but she is mentally shocked because she survived a terrible trauma.

With these words begins the confession of M. S, the mother of a fourteen-year-old girl Nemanja A. (18) from Zaplanjska Toponica. A young man died in that village on December 26 in a bloody fight in which Milan T. (18) was seriously injured, while a minor who was a direct witness to the terrible event was also stabbed in the shoulder.

MS says that on the fateful night around 1.30am, Nemanja appeared at his home in Brestovac with a head injury and said that he had been beaten in the village.

– That night he went to our house in Brestovac. He was attacked in a forest about a hundred meters from his home and beaten. He didn’t want to go home so his mother wouldn’t see him hurt, but he came to us around 1.30am. He had visible wounds and bruises on his head. There were more of them when they first attacked him. He said that he recognized Milan T. and that there were two other attackers, but was not sure who they were. We invited his parents to take him to the outpatient clinic in Doljevac and the Clinical Center in Nis to be examined because the injuries were really big. He was in the ambulance in Doljevac, they examined him at the KC in Nis, they told him he was fine, so he went home – says MS, the mother of Nemanja’s girlfriend.

On his way back to Zaplanjska Toponica, his girlfriend of fourteen years went with Nemanja.

– I calculated that he would come to us, but he did not want to, he returned home, my daughter accompanied him as support because he was injured. In the morning he asked them to go for a walk. They were walking in that area around the church. How he met and clashed with Milan T. I do not know and could not elaborate on this due to the ongoing investigation. Nemanja went to the ambulance in Doljevac in her parents’ car and sadly died on the way to Doljevac – says MS

She says Nemanja did not have any conflict with the attackers and was killed for no reason.

– He had no conflict with them. He was killed in the justice of God. First beaten, then killed. He had fun with my daughter for a few months. We knew him as a really good boy and the family he comes from is honest, they are farming people who have acquired everything honestly through their work – says MS

According to her mother MS, the fourteen-year-old girl from Nemanja was not stabbed in the chest, as hospital media initially reported, but in the shoulder.

– She was stabbed in the shoulder. The nerves are not injured, although the wound is deeper, it is not harmless. He is fine physically, but experienced a great mental shock – says MS


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Author: delivery courier
