Aleksandra Nikolić is in the spotlight actually because of the “Bujanovac affair” and her job as an anime lady.
On that occasion, her Slovenian mother also spoke out to deny everything that cooperative members sew for her daughter.

“I first heard about Bujanovac on Cooperative television. I don’t know anything about it. The only thing I remember is that Aleksandra once told me to go with a friend. And that’s it. If my daughter was immoral, I would. would he lived differently, he would not have gone through hell, “” Star “told the media, adding:

“My daughter could have married a millionaire and not thought about anything, but she is not in that story, believe me. Not that I was surprised when they started linking her to those scandals at the Cooperative, but I filed several lawsuits against the girls. who said that “.

“I will not reveal who the girls from the Cooperative are, but they will find out when they receive an invitation from the court to leave the property in Šimanovci to give a statement. I just want the truth, so that all those who speak out against me Alexandra will not go unpunished, “Slovenian said.

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