The mother of a student is not afraid of the crown, but of another disease: “My daughter suffered so much …”



02.09.2020. 07:00

After half a year, the students go back to school. In unusual circumstances, in the first class of the new school year, everyone heard about kovid-19. Most parents and students have decided to listen to classes in classrooms, while only four percent of students, mostly eight, will attend distance classes. Every 15 days, the school will make a breakdown of the number of infected students and teachers

In front of the school

In front of the “Drinka Pavlović” school, Photo: Marko Metlaš

During the reception of students at the primary school “Drinka Pavlović” in Belgrade, the team “Hello!” He was convinced that the months-long preparations for the start of the new school year had paid off. Students say they were eager to hang out again and parents hope their students will do well in the new way of teaching.

At that school, the reception was organized in several groups so that the hallways were not overcrowded. In the hallway of the school, everyone had to go through the barrier, disinfect their hands and only then approach the door, with the mandatory mask on their faces.

Every effort is made to minimize risk in schools

Dr. Goran Stevanović, director of the Tropical and Infectious Diseases Clinic, said yesterday that crisis personnel and the Ministry of Education had made all preparations to minimize the risk in schools.

There is nothing that is absolutely safe and secure, but with the respect of preventive measures and rules that are elaborated in detail, the risk in schools is reduced to a minimum. – said Stevanović, adding that the risk of infection is lower in school than in shops or public transport, as well as that children in schools and kindergartens, in his opinion, are more disciplined than adults.

As the principal of this eight-year-old boy, Jole Bulatović, explained to us, the children, parents and teachers learned about the new rules in time. To comply with all the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, everyone in the school will function according to strict schedules.

We have three schedules, so the champions and the second go one by one, the third and fourth by the other, and the children from fifth to eighth grade by third. As the arrival and departure system is complicated, everyone will receive detailed instructions. – Bulatović said “Hello!”.

His parents share his hope, who came to the schoolyard to say goodbye to their students. Tears of joy and lost looks. The screams “Good luck!” They resounded on Kosovska Street, where that school is located. For some of them, starting school is a relief, while others are a bit disappointed.

I didn’t think the first day was so emotional, I could hardly bear not crying in front of my son, and I feel like I’m sending him to war, God forbid. Unfortunately, such wonderful moments annoy me because yesterday we learned that there will be no stay for the champions, so we do not know how we are going to work. – Mother Ivana told us, who sent her son Kosta to school victories.

Most parents of older students agree that their children could no longer live without friends.

Protest in front of the school

Protest in front of the school, Photo: Dejan Briza

I stopped being afraid of the virus and started being afraid of depression. My daughter suffered so much for her friends, the teacher, even the snack in the yard, that we could no longer listen to her. – Vesna Petković, the mother of a student told us.

Children will go into isolation only if they do not wear masks

If a child becomes infected, parents have an obligation to notify teachers immediately. After that, the competent institute for health protection is notified, and then all other children are examined. Only those children who did not wear masks in the company of an infected friend will go into isolation. As announced by the epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon, after the occurrence of the case of infection, epidemiological surveillance will be carried out in that department for a period of 14 days.

As she added, going to school is a relief to her, but she was disappointed when she heard that she would not leave the “Google classroom.”

When my daughter told me that I would still have to use the “Google classroom” for part of the classes, I couldn’t believe it. We are still learning about the traumas from the previous semester and I was hoping that now they just work at the school and follow the classes on television. In this way, I know in advance that there will be “fights” with technique and material. – This mom complained to us.

Teachers and the principal, however, believe that students and parents will adapt quickly to the new way of working and that the fears will disappear quickly.

Yesterday, around 66,000 champions sat in classrooms across Serbia, but also a much larger number of students from other grades. For now, they will go to classes that will last 30 minutes each, they will respect special rules of conduct in classrooms and hallways, they will receive regular instructions and, as long as it is safe for their health, they will go to school.

Are you afraid to send your children to school?

Kon: The role of parents is crucial

In the words of epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon, it is impossible for someone to be absolutely safe anywhere, but with the correct behavior of parents and children, the health of schoolchildren will be preserved.

– Parents should learn to measure the child’s temperature, check if he has a runny or stuffy nose, if he feels good. It is something that is a routine before every start of school. They should have already talked about how to put on a mask, on the ears or tie with ribbons, he should learn all that before going to school – Dr. Kon pointed out, adding that the child should learn that the mask protects both him and to his comrades.

Vučić: Be healthy and safe!

Congratulations from the President

Congratulations from the president, Photo: Printscreen Instagram buducnosts

In his profile on the social network Instagram, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, congratulated the students on starting school. – Dear students, I wish you a successful school year and, above all, that in new and different conditions you can easily master the new material, get excellent grades, and have a good time with your classmates. I want them to be healthy and safe and to celebrate all the successes to come together with their parents and teachers – wrote the president, who symbolically put a smile with a protective mask at the end of this message.
